Monday, August 21, 2023

Plasma turbulence can uncover hidden magnetic fields. But it also can form powerful magnetic fields.

Plasma turbulence can uncover hidden magnetic fields. But it also can form powerful magnetic fields. 

The turbulent plasma can explain some strongest magnetic fields and highest energy pulses in the universe. Turbulent plasma can uncover hidden magnetic fields in the universe. But whirling plasma also can create high-power magnetic fields. Those magnetic fields can cause strong maser emission at least in radio frequencies. 

When things like radio waves travel through high-energy plasma. That plasma pumps energy to those radio waves. Or actually, magnetic fields in plasma are the things that transfer energy to radio waves that travel through those magnetic fields. Because plasma can increase radio waves' power far away from their source, that makes it hard to detect their origin. 

When plasma starts to whirl it can form a structure that looks like a generator. Plasma whirls around black holes and neutron stars are one thing that makes those things so powerful. The interaction is quite complicated.

"Columbia researchers have found that magnetic fields across the universe may originate in turbulent plasma. Their study demonstrates that these plasmas, present in various environments, can spontaneously create and amplify magnetic fields, revealing the process through which magnetic fields can stretch over immense distances."( Plasma: Uncovering the Source of the Universe’s Magnetic Fields)

"The magnetic field in the Whirlpool Galaxy (M51), captured by NASA’s flying Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) observatory superimposed on a Hubble telescope picture of the galaxy. The image shows infrared images of grains of dust in the M51 galaxy. Their magnetic orientation largely follows the spiral shape of the galaxy, but it is also being pulled in the direction of the neighboring galaxy at the right of the frame. Credit: NASA, the SOFIA science team, A. Borlaff; NASA, ESA, S. Beckwith (STScI) and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)" ( Plasma: Uncovering the Source of the Universe’s Magnetic Fields)

"A composite image illustrating the birth and growth of magnetic fields in turbulent plasmas, from weak fields on small scales (top left) to strong fields on large scales (bottom right). Credit: Columbia University" ( Plasma: Uncovering the Source of the Universe’s Magnetic Fields)

Because the energy that sends energy to the plasma cloud comes outside and also inside the interstellar clouds. The high-energy radiation burst that travels through plasma clouds also can form temporary whirls in plasma clouds. Also things like molecular clouds or nebulas where iron can form a structure that acts like generators. 

When plasma whirl orbits neutron stars or black holes the plasma acts as a rotor. And neutron stars and black holes are like stators. Those large plasma whirls pump energy into the middle of them. 

But also energy beams that black holes and neutron stars send can form a situation where plasma around those beams injects energy into them. That thing can increase those beam's energy level far away from their source. 

When the energy beam hits to plasma cloud that makes the plasma shine. That radiation also increases optical or visible light energy levels at least at the same wavelength where the plasma cloud transmits energy. 

When things like neutron stars or black holes blow material through the universe. Those high-energy radiation and particle beams are ionizing gas around them. That high-energy plasma can start to create a plasma tornado around those electron- and radiation beams. That plasma channel interacts like a maser system injecting energy into radiation that travels through that channel. 

When high-energy plasma whirls around those beams they act the same way as generators forming a structure that looks like a generator. The energy beam that travels in plasma acts like an axle or stator and plasma whirls around it creating a rotor that injects energy into those beams.

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