Thursday, August 10, 2023

Researchers dig very deep holes to find dark matter on Earth.

Dark matter interacts with gravitation. And that means there should be a cloud of those mystery particles around Earth. The dark matter will also fall to Earth's Core if it acts like visible material. But the problem is that dark matter is not interacting with visible material except through gravitation. 

There are theories that Earth is full of "Hairy dark matter". And that means there is a possibility that those "hairs" can touch with some part of visible atoms. And that thing causes interesting thoughts. The fact is this. Gravitational interaction makes it possible. Also, other planets in our solar system are surrounded by dark matter. 

Planets are also gravitational centers. And that means they collect dark matter around them. The dark matter should fall in the gravitational center. So some part of the weight of the planet should form. Because dark matter connects with it through gravitation. 

That dark matter stabilizes the planet's spin. And it also puts brakes on the spinning speed of the planet. So could something blow dark matter away from Mars? Could that explain why Mars rotates faster and faster? 

Researchers drop and raise atom clocks into those holes. And they hope to find anomalies in gravitational fields through time dilation. The idea is this. When an atom clock travels through the dark matter cloud, that cloud affects its work. Dark matter causes time dilation and those atom clocks can detect that time dilation in the dark matter cloud. 


"Using NASA’s InSight Mars lander, scientists have precisely measured Mars’ rotation, detecting a subtle acceleration and the planet’s wobble due to its molten core. This study offers unprecedented insights into the Martian core’s size and shape, providing vital information for understanding Mars’ internal structure. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UArizona." ( Is Spinning Faster: NASA’s InSight Uncovers Surprising Acceleration)


Or could something cause a situation in that Mars' nucleus formed some kind of bubble that removed the electromagnetic friction from the planet? The fact is this. The spin speed of a planet can accelerate in two ways. 

1) Something pumps more energy into the planet than it uses in its spin. That thing could be some kind of energy beam, that hits the planet. Rising its energy level. 

2) Something removes gravitational brakes from that planet. Normally in the cases of planets or dwarf planets, gravitational breaks are visible. Things like other planets like Earth or Jupiter are visible things that slow the speed of their moons. So, if the reason for gravitational breaks is not visible but it's not things like a black hole, it can be a dark matter object. 

If the Earth is in the middle of a large-size dark matter bubble, that bubble can affect to spin of our planet. The gravitational entirety of the dark matter will slow the spin of Earth. If Earth has collected dark matter bubbles around it, also other planets must do that thing. The thing is that all gravitational centers can collect dark matter bubbles around them. 

So could some kind of dark matter reaction cause that planet Mars spins faster and faster? One answer for that interesting phenomenon could be that Mars lost a large bite of dark matter that surrounds it. If that model is right. Something blew dark matter away from that planet's orbiter. And if that plate is gone. There is nothing that can brake the spin of Mars or another planet.

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