Thursday, August 3, 2023

The new four-dimensional material can be a breakthrough in the research of the fourth dimension.

The fourth dimension is the thing that is extremely hard to detect and research. The reason for that could be the energy level of the fourth dimension is so high that particles send non-stop radiation. The size of those particles would be so small, that they send so small-size waves with very high frequency that we cannot see that radiation. 

High-energy particles are far smaller than low-energy particles. They send radiation pulses always when their energy level is higher than their environment. The reason why we can see particles is that there is a pause in radiation transmissions. 

During that pause, the receiving particles remove the extra energy that they get. In the form of wave movement. So the pause of that radiation stress is the thing, that makes the object visible. The high-energy particle sends radiation so often that the difference in energy levels in receiving particles doesn't change much. Because energy waves from those small-size particles are coming very often the change in the energy level of receiving particles is not very strong. 

"Scientists at the University of Missouri have created a synthetic 4D metamaterial that can control energy waves on solid surfaces, potentially leading to advancements in quantum mechanics, quantum computing, and earthquake mitigation". ScitechDaily/Fourth Dimension Breakthrough: New Metamaterial Controls Energy Waves)

Is the fourth dimension the source of dark energy? 

And because energy stress happens very often, the receiving particle has no time to remove that extra energy and that particle sends weaker wave movement. So when we think about the fourth dimension the energy level of those particles can be so high, that they send radiation into the 3D universe without breaks. 

Because there is no break in the radiation stress. The receiving particles have no time to remove extra energy. So the particle's energy level turns to the same level as the radiation that hits the particle. That thing causes an effect where a standing wave around the particle isolates it from that radiation. In this model, the 4D material is the source of dark energy. 

Researchers made the 4D material. In that material, there is some high energy component like the magnetic field that is anchored on the material. Then researchers follow how that energy field interacts with other energy fields. The new 4D material can create interaction between 4D and 3D worlds. The new metamaterials can create and conduct energy fields. 

Or other ways. we can say that those metamaterials are not forming energy. They just adjust the wavelength of energy levels. And that thing is very important if the 3D material wants to touch the 4D Particles.                                                                                                                                                          

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