Wednesday, August 9, 2023

There is a possibility that LK-99 couldn't reach superconductivity at room temperature. But it still can be a revolutionary compound.

But that material is very interesting from the point of view of quantum computing. The superconducting material allows information can keep it while it travels in those wires. The LK-99 might not be a superconductor at room temperature. But it can be a game changer in many superconducting areas. 

Uranus' rings are the model for a next-generation generator that orbits the planet. This generator uses superconducting metal wires to harvest energy from the magnetic field. 

In some visions, the planets like Uranus and Earth can surround using superconducting wires. Those superconductors would orbit the planet through its poles and collect energy from its magnetic field. The model of that system is the rings of Uranus. 

There would be three metal wires that rotate or orbits that planet internally in opposite directions. Those extremely thin wires can create energy far away from the sun. That kind of generator can harvest energy from the planet's magnetic fields. 

Pictures 2 and 3: Uranus's rings. Credits: NASA

The LK-99 may not reach superconductivity at room temperature. But it could be the pathfinder in that technology. The problem with superconducting materials is that the only thing. What is needed is to stabilize them and remove oscillation in their structure. When the system decreases temperature. 

That action takes those atoms near to each other. And that thing also decreases the movement and especially oscillation in the material. There is needed more tests to prove that the material is superconducting. The fact is that material must pass four tests to prove its superconducting ability. And LK-99 is not passed a single one yet. But then if we think that someday we reach. 

The superconductivity at room temperature we must realize one thing. There is the possibility that this material requires stable conditions that it could remove oscillation from its structure. And another thing is how to make that material flexible. The problem is that low-temperature superconductors are not very flexible. 

And that limits their use. The problem is that in low temperatures the superconductors turn brittle. When metals turn brittle. That causes problems with oscillation. Oscillation can break the superconducting structure. That is the problem with practical superconducting computers. 

The solution for that problem could be a nanostructure that looks like neckless. But we must realize that there are many other superconductor projects than LK-99. One of them is to use 2D nanomaterial covered with a single-atom layer of copper. Then the system will press that layer with high pressure and decrease its temperature. 

Normally superconductors involve elements like carbon or some other metals like germanium or pure copper. The low temperature makes superconductors very brittle. Changes in temperature or other physical conditions can destroy that material. But if we can someday create room-temperature superconductors that thing can revolutionize computing. And energy production.

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