Thursday, September 28, 2023

CERN experiments debunked antimatter levitation.

 CERN experiments debunked antimatter levitation. 

The antimatter levitation could be a simple misunderstanding. Sometimes even the most qualified researchers forget that material and antimatter have different polarity. Anti electron or positron has a positive electric load and antiproton has a negative energy load. That means the antimatter particles are mirror images of their material pair. 

The reason why researchers are interested in antimatter is this. Antimatter is the most powerful of known power sources. And that makes it possible to create new and compact space systems. The antimatter's energy load that 1 kg. of it is enough to send spacecraft to Alpha Centauri. Antimatter is also given the idea of Teller's bomb. 

Teller's bomb is a small capsule that is antimatter. When that capsule will open it's doors. That thing detonates everything around it. The reaction between material and antimatter is annihilation. In that process, material particles and their mirror particles annihilate their entire mass and turn into energy. Sometimes is introduced a model where one antimatter gram can detonate the entire planet Earth. And that's why we must be careful with antimatter. 

"An experiment by the ALPHA collaboration at CERN has shown that antihydrogen, a combination of an anti-proton and an antielectron, is pulled downward by gravity, dispelling the idea of antigravity for antimatter. This aligns with Einstein’s general relativity theory, which predates antimatter’s discovery and suggests that all matter, regular or anti, reacts identically to gravitational forces". ( Levitation Debunked: Groundbreaking CERN Experiment Reveals Gravity’s Pull on Antihydrogen)

Sometimes antimatter engines are misunderstood as opposite gravitational effect. In antimatter engines, antimatter annihilation gives thrust for rockets. And that doesn't turn gravity opposite. 

Sometimes antimatter levitation means annihilation levitation. In that system, the anti-electrons or positrons are released into the combustion chamber. Where they interact with electrons or under the craft. That thing causes an annihilation reaction. In that system hovers above the ground because of energy that antimatter releases. In some versions, positron-electron annihilation happens between two layers. When annihilation happens those layers or membranes send oscillation that makes pressure waves. And those pressure waves are levitating objects. But antimatter itself doesn't fall gravitation. 

The observations are that gravity affects the same way in regular material and antimatter. Are in line with Einstein's theories. And that thing makes antimatter-universe possible. 

The CERN experiments prove that gravity interacts similar way and direction with regular material. So gravitation is the same in our universe and hypothetical antimatter universe. The reason why antimatter might levitate is the electromagnetic interaction. The antiproton has a negative electric load because it's the proton's mirror particle. And that can cause a situation, where a negative ion or electron cloud pushes antiproton out from it. Or a proton can kick positrons away from its shell. 

There is the possibility that this thing causes an effect that is somehow misinterpreted such as gravitational levitation or antimatter levitation. The CERN proves that gravitation interacts the same way with matter and antimatter. So that thing makes the antimatter stars and even antimatter galaxies and antimatter universes possible. 

That thing means that all fundamental forces interact with antimatter similar way to regular matter. Sometimes is introduced in rocket systems and weapons antimatter or antimatter is hovering in a magnetic field. Antimatter must not touch the walls of it's chamber or it causes destruction.

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