Saturday, September 30, 2023

Dark energy interaction. And the universe's ultimate fate.

 Dark energy interaction. And the universe's ultimate fate. 

Are dark photons the source of dark energy? 

The Australian researchers claimed that they detected dark photons. If that is true, dark photons can explain at least part of dark energy. The thing that makes photons dark is that energy flows into them. In this model, there are three types of photons. 

The black photon is a photon whose energy level is lower than in the universe's visible material. Because energy travels into those, 2D photons are lower than visible material in the universe. That makes them unable to detect. 

The reason why dark photons never reach the same energy level as regular photons or neutrinos is this. There are so many more dark photons than particles and sub-atomic particles in the universe. Energy travels to those other dark photons. 

And because the energy level in those particles near the universe or energy centers is higher than farther particles energy always travels to those lower energy particles.. Because energy travels in one direction out from the energy center. That makes it impossible to detect those particles by using reflection.

All energy falls into the outer particles. In the universe are many energy hills. And there those particles can interact with each other. 

That causes multiple impacts with radiation and those particles. And that makes those dark photons send impact radiation. In some models, the dark photon or two-dimensional photons are the base model of material. 

"A map of dark matter, spreading across the universe.CREDIT:KIPAC/SLAC NATIONAL ACCELERATOR LABORATORY" (Sydney Morning Herald/Australian researchers claim to have detected ‘dark photons)

In that model, those 2D photons also exist outside the Universe and the Big Bang transformed a group of those 2D photons into the universe as we know it.  Or maybe there is some material, which energy level is lower than those 2D photons. 

That material could be some kind of skyrmion, that turned the energy level in the point of universe negative and caused the Big Bang. But there is more about that hypothetical material and reaction at the end of this text.

Neutrino is a so-called grey photon. The grey photon means the energy flow between that particle and its environment is slow. And that makes neutrinos hard to detect. Because the neutrino has mass, that means energy travels in that particle. And in that process, it causes the emission of radiation into its quantum field. 

Bright photon whose energy level is the same as its environment. That means there is no energy flow between the photon and its environment. And that means the photon has no mass. 

And that makes those dark photons or photons whose energy level is lower than the environment hard or even impossible to detect. The dark energy could be an energy flow that travels in those dark photons. When an extremely thin energy field, called a superstring travels into the dark photon, that energy orbits the photon before it impacts it. 

In that process, it sends emission radiation as well as particles when they fall into a neutron star or black hole. In some other visions, the dark energy comes from the points where the atom's or subatomic particles' quantum fields cross. In the points where those fields impact form stretches that act like particles and send energy or radiation around them.

"The local geometry of the universe is determined by whether the density parameter Ω is greater than, less than, or equal to 1. From top to bottom: a spherical universe with Ω > 1, a hyperbolic universe with Ω < 1, and a flat universe with Ω = 1. These depictions of two-dimensional surfaces are merely easily visualizable analogs to the 3-dimensional structure of (local) space". (Wikipedia/Shape of the universe)

The universe's ultimate fate. 

We know that if the universe is open. That means it's hyperbolic or flat. The Big silence is its ultimate fate. At the end of time, all material turns into wave movement. And then that universe as we know it ends its life. The Big Bang was not only one case. It was a series of effects that formed material and energy in the form as we know it. 

In some visions, the electromagnetic vacuum in quantum fields or some kind of low-energy material caused the Big Bang. If those 2D photons are outside the universe we cannot see them because energy travels into them. 

But there is one hypothetical model connected with dark photons. The dark photon is a flat particle if it exists. In some models also dark photons will split at the end of the time. When there is no radiation or no quantum fields those flat photons start to expand. 

At the ultimate end of time, they will turn into skyrmions. Which is the final form of material. Those skyrmions are forming an electromagnetic vacuum in the middle of them. And that thing can pull those skyrmions back together. 

Or if there are some kind of quantum fields or 2D particles outside the universe those skyrmions can form the quantum vacuum that causes the effect, where those quantum fields or particles drop to the point, where the universe once been. That thing can cause a powerful energy impact from the middle of that structure. The quantum fields form the standing wave and then all waves are impacted from that wave. That means the new Big Bang.

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