Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Dark photons can explain dark matter.

 Dark photons can explain dark matter. 

A dark photon, anti-photon, or negative photon is a theoretical particle that is opposite to a photon. A regular or positive photon is a visible particle that travels at light speed. And that regular photon is the thing that transports information in the universe. The photon speed is the same as the speed of light. And that means photons have an energy stability with their environment. 

If we think that a photon is like a regular particle it has no mass, because energy will not travel between a photon and its environment. Photon will get all its energy back, and the thing that makes it interesting is that it should recycle energy through it. The photon will not get rid of its quantum field. When it releases its energy it will get new energy back. And that means the photon cannot slow its speed. So if the photon has no mass that means it slows. And that means it will not photon anymore after it slows its speed. 

The thing, that makes hypothetical dark photons dark is that quantum fields travel in into that particle. The reason why dark photons cannot turn back to visible or white photons is this: there are lots more dark photons than visible photons. And when the energy level in a dark photon rises it sends it into the other dark photons. Dark photon sends that energy into particles. They have even lower energy levels than dark photons. 

"A global team of scientists has delved deeper into understanding the complex nature of dark matter, which comprises a staggering 84% of the universe’s matter content. Their focus has been on the ‘dark photon’, a theoretical particle that might bridge the gap between the elusive dark sector and regular matter." (ScitechDaily.com/Dark Photons: The Key to Unraveling the Dark Matter Mystery?)

So dark photon would have a similar role between the second and third dimension as white photon has between the third- and the fourth dimension. Dimensions are energy levels. And that means photons could transmit energy from the fourth dimension to the third dimension which is at the lower energy level. The reason for that is this. If there is a particle with the same oscillation in a lower energy level energy travels from a higher energy level to a lower energy level. 

And that is the reason why we cannot see the second dimension. The sign from higher energy universes could be gravitational radiation. The size of particles in a higher energy universe or the fourth dimension would be so small, that we cannot detect that radiation. 

The thing that makes the mass to dark photon is the low energy level of that particle. Because quantum fields travel in those particles. that makes a very weak pulling effect. But the large mass of those photons makes that gravitational effect strong. 

The dark photon is the photon. That is at a lower energy level than other photons. The theory of dark photons goes like this: The photons are the particles between the fourth and third dimensions. The dark photons are particles between the second and third dimensions. So the thing, that makes a hypothetical dark photon dark is that quantum fields are traveling into it. If energy travels to some particle without echo that makes the particle invisible. 


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