Friday, September 15, 2023

How big a role where does dark matter play in gravitation?

  How big a role where does dark matter play in gravitation? 

There is the possibility that dark matter is the thing that pulls gravitational waves out from gravitational centers. If dark matter is 2D material where particles are "flat". That means energy travels into that material. There is a halo of dark matter around every gravitational center, and if we think that gravitational waves travel out from the gravitational centers that could mean that the dark matter halo pulls those gravitational waves in an opposite direction than other radiation.

If we think that our dimension is like water gravitational waves would remove surface tension. And that makes the other quantum fields travel into that gravitational center. So gravitation is wave movement that pushes the bottom away from the dimension. And then other quantum fields with longer wavelengths try to fill that hole. That thing causes a situation. Where those other quantum fields drive particles into the black holes. That thing could be a simple version of the gravitational interaction where outside quantum fields carry objects into the direction of the gravitational center.  

Artist illustration of a dark matter halo. (Image credit: Artistic rendering by Christopher Dessert, Nicholas L. Rodd, Benjamin R. Safdi, Zosia Rostomian (Berkeley Lab), based on data from the Fermi Large Area Telescope.) ( weigh ancient galaxies' dark matter haloes for 1st time)

In this model, the cold dark matter has a lower energy level than visible matter. That means energy travels from the visible material into the cold dark matter. If we could trap cold dark matter that thing could form the ultimate Stirling engine. In that model, researchers will put the dark matter into the lower energy side of the engine. Then energy flow travels from the material to that dark matter. And it would make the ultimate Stirling engines where energy travels from material into cold dark matter. 

Researchers calculated the weight of the dark matter halo in distant galaxies. That thing means that the visible dark matter interactions are pathfinders for modeling and understanding the form of gravitation.  It's impossible to model dark matter without that information. Dark matter is very hard to measure. And that's why it's so mysterious. There is no single confirmed impact with particles and dark matter. But if that kind of information is confirmed it would change the physics.

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