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The solar sail can travel to Mars in 26 days.

 The solar sail can travel to Mars in 26 days. 

"An artist's impression of the LightSail 2 solar sail" ( solar sail spacecraft could reach Mars in only 26 days)

Solar sails can travel to Mars in 26 days. That system can connect with chemical rockets or nuclear rockets. The idea is that the solar sail pulls that rocket to Mars, and there the rocket engine. That used as the brake can put the solar sail transit to Mars orbiter. 

The solar sail uses the particle flow from the Sun as the propellant. Those ionized particles act like wind and push the sail to Mars. Two types of solar sails can make that trip. The first one is the passive solar sail. That solar sail uses a large-size mylar sail for traveling. 

The solar sail can connect with any kind of spacecraft. Those systems are passive. But solar power can also heat rocket's propellant. The system can be parabolic mirrors. Or it can use solar panels to give electricity to ion engines. 


"NASA artist rendering, from 1999, of the Project Orion pulsed nuclear fission spacecraft" (Wikipedia/Project Orion (nuclear propulsion))

Solar sails and their use for interstellar journeys: What if we connect Project Orion and solar sails? 

In some visions, the Orion systems or nuclear rockets that use atomic bombs to accelerate their speed can also used with solar sails. In that model highly accurately calculated points in the solar sail's trajectory when it travels outside the solar system is the nuclear bomb. 

 When solar sail travels past that point the nuclear bomb detonates. And those particles give punch to the craft when it travels out from the solar system. Or in some other visions massive, kilometers-long lasers give punch to the solar sail when they travel outside the solar system. 

The solar sail can use antimatter detonations where antiprotons and protons, or electrons and positrons detonate behind the craft. That radiation also gives speed to the craft.


Also, solar-power rockets are useful tools especially, if the craft must travel in the the sun's direction. The problem with a solar sail is that. Sapacecrafts cannot use it when they travel in the sun's direction because that particle flow comes out from the sun. And it's impossible to send solar sail against that flow. 

The second version is the active solar-power spacecraft. The active system can use solar sail when it travels out from the sun. But this type of solar sail may be connected with a solar-powered rocket engine. Solar power rockets use mirrors that focus on solar light to the chamber where the system injects liquid hydrogen. Or some other cold gas. 

That system increases the temperature in the chamber. And that thing gives thrust. In the most powerful versions of that kind of system, the solar-powered lasers increase propellant temperature. The laser system can vaporize propellant more effectively than parabolic mirrors. Those lasers can get their energy straight from sunlight. In those systems, mirrors focus solar energy on the laser element that vaporizes propellant. In that case, the vaporized propellant can driven over the turbine wheel that rotates generators. 

Solar panels can also deliver electric power to those lasers and entire spacecraft. Solar power systems can also deliver energy for electrochemical rockets like ion rockets. In that case, solar panels just deliver electricity to ion engines. That kind of construction can travel inside an asteroid belt by using solar power. 

Those rocket systems can be used to break the solar sail's speed. Or it can make it possible to travel in the direction of the sun by using solar power.


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