Saturday, September 9, 2023

The Universe did not begin from "nothing".

  The Universe did not begin from "nothing". 

The reason why, the Big Bang is so hard to understand is that: there should be material or some kind of quantum field before that event. So if the Schwinger effect formed material that requires that there were quantum fields or quantum foam before the event called the Big Bang. The fact is that the Big Bang was a series of events that formed all the material and energy that we know. And the material is one form of energy. 

The Big Bang never ended. We are living in the Big Bang that continues until time in the Universe ends and all material transformed into wave movement. The Universe is the Big Bang's remnant.  It's temperature decreases all the time. 

The modern universe is the fading remnant of that energy eruption that was the beginning of known material and energy.  Because the energy level in the universe decreases. As the size of the Universe increases we can say that the change is only a stable thing in that system of all confirmed material and energy. 

Material is one form of energy. And particles are thicker points in quantum fields. Swinger effect where two crossing energy fields turn into quarks requires that there is some kind of quantum field. The Big Bang can form material only if it sends some kind of shockwave into the quantum field around it. That shockwave turns the quantum field into particles. 


The cosmic inflation

The history of the universe involves a stage that we call inflation. Term cosmic inflation means that the ratio of matter and energy to the volume of the universe is decreasing. In the young universe, material was more homogenous than in the modern universe. Gluons were the first particles that formed. The first plasma was gluon plasma, and then whirls of that gluon plasma formed quarks. 

The next step from gluon plasma is the quark-gluon plasma. If gluons send energy into space, that energy impacts only another gluon. The repelling effect of that radiation is more powerful than in a heterogenous universe that is full of different-sized particles. 

The inflation continues. The reason for that is that the universe expands. The expansion decreases the density of material and radiation. So maybe we should say that there are two stages of cosmic inflation. The hot and very fast inflation. And cold and slower inflation.  


The Big Bang was not a "bang" that happened in total emptiness. There is no "nothing" or "empty" in the quantum world. And that means the Big Bang was the interaction between two quantum fields. There were some kind of quantum fields or quantum foam before the Big Bang. In all possible interaction models. 

The reason for that is that the Schwinger effect where the energy field will turn to material requires two crossing quantum fields. The impact of those quantum fields forms whirls that are turning to material.  Schwinger effect form always particle-antiparticle pair. And if the Schwinger effect formed the Universe. 

It means there should be at least the hypothetical "anti-universe" or antimatter universe. Time travels forward in the antimatter universe, but the particles are their mirror versions. In a hypothetical antiuniverse, electrons have a positive electric load, protons have negative electricity, and neutrons spin oppositely. 

There is the possibility that the Schwinger effect formed material from the quantum foam in the phenomenon that looks like the vacuum bomb. First, some effect formed shockwave or electromagnetic vacuum or void in the quantum foam. Then that vacuum fell. Or outside quantum field pressed it together, and quantum foam impacted in the middle of that bubble. Impacting quantum fields just reflect from the center of the bubble. 

And the pressure wave travels back and forth. During that movement, it collected energy into it. Sooner or later that extremely powerful radiation formed the bubble that continues its expansion. When the energy level turned low enough those chaotic energy fields formed first gluons.

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