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Are computer games, and especially online games, so innocent as they should be?

   Are computer games, and especially online games, so innocent as they should be?

The thing is that there are many ways to use computer games for research, development, and intelligence work. Computer games or online games also offer online social media platforms. And there people can discuss and ask things from each other. When a person plays 1st. person action games. Some other person can ask, where other players learned some kind of tactics.

Or would some other player own some guns that are in those games? That thing allows intelligence officials to ask would some players be some kind of military officials. Or are the player's parents working in the military industry or other military work? 

"A study from Aalto University’s Department of Computer Science reveals concerning data collection practices within online games and highlights players’ misconceptions about privacy. The research identified manipulative design tactics that encourage data sharing and highlighted that players often remain unaware of the data collection extent. While players have adopted tactics to protect their privacy, such as preferring text chats over voice, the study concludes by stressing the need for games to prioritize transparency, safety, and player autonomy." ( Secrets: What Your Video Games Aren’t Telling You)

The computer games can use as propaganda tools. Or they can use to practice drone operators cooperation. 

Criminals can ask where they can find things like guns using online computer games. We should have the same attitude to computer games as other social media. Computer games can be used to inject malware into computers or cheat money or identity. 

Another thing that social media and online computer games offer is a platform where the developers of AI can collect people's reactions. And then the AI tries to create counter-reactions for those actions. The AI or language models can move virtual characters that movements connected with virtual and augmented reality. 

When some character or group of actors are playing against AI-controlled virtual characters and then the AI uses compositional generalization to connect the best possible movement series by using a methodology that connects multiple databases. In that method, the AI uses the same models for multiple purposes. 

The AI uses ready-made templates that are like Legos in its entirety. The AI tries to reorder those ready-made templates. The AI can turn virtual actions straight into physical actions using the virtual models. Then it can transform that virtual model into a physical robot. 

But the AI requires information on which action series is the best. Computer games can teach AI which composition is the most suitable for some situations. For learning things the AI requires something, that it can use as simulation. Computer games can teach the AI how it must react.



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