Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Are ghosts real?

    Are ghosts real? 

This is a good question. Things like reality are subjective things. And things can be real to some other person, and they are not real to some other person. This is the thing that we must remember when we talk about things like ghosts. In many theories. Ghosts are a psychological phenomenon. 

When people see ghosts, they don't always see dead people. They might see ex-leaders who went to other work. They might smell those ex-leaders candies and aftershaves even if they are not at the same workplace or in the office for years. 

"A significant proportion of Americans believe in ghosts, with many claiming personal encounters. However, despite the prevalence of recording devices, concrete evidence for the existence of ghosts remains elusive." (ScitechDaily.com/Are Ghosts Real? Examining the Scientific Evidence)

In this model, ghosts are flashbacks from the past. In that model, traumatic stress like PTSD can explain things like ghost cars or something like that. The PTSD flashback means that a person feels the stressful and dangerous situation again. And if the car almost drives over the person, that thing causes the ghost car vision in front of the person's eyes, who goes in a similar place. 

When some person stands many times at the same point, that thing can cause a reaction where the brain believes that person stands there. Sometimes things like ghost stories can launch the effect that a person's mind starts to create ghosts. In some cases, people lie because they don't want to upset their guides. And if some young, handsome guide tells nice ghost stories, people want to be polite and say that they "feel something". 

"Organizational ghosts can have a major influence on how companies operate. Credit: Nate Edwards/BYU Photo" (ScitechDaily.com/Researchers Reveal the Power of “Ghostly Encounters” on Organizations)

Sometimes people see "corporate ghosts" like their bosses standing next to them, while they do something like playing games without permission. The memory is created to protect humans against enemies. So our brains think that all shadows near us is our boss. And we should always beware of doing anything prohibited when our boss stands next to us. So our subconscious warns us about our boss. Same way our brain thinks that all sticks in front of us are poisonous animals. 

But the fact is this. There is always the possibility that there is somebody in the house. It's always possible that some burglars enter some isolated house or somebody uses the basement without permission. 

But there are other types of theories about ghosts. In some theories, ghosts are holograms that come out from wormholes. The wormhole is like a light cable that brings information from the past. And maybe this thing forms a holoprojection called a ghost. 

In the wildest visions, ghosts are aliens or some government officials who use optical invisibility suits. That theory is very wild. And I don't believe it. But there is research about clothes that can turn people invisible. And those invisibility cloaks are in use for Air Force Pilot's rescue kits. Those kits can turn the pilot invisible. And snipers and other special forces soldiers can use the same cloaks. So some ghosts may be special forces soldiers that use those new invisibility suits. 



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