Friday, October 27, 2023

China successfully made cracks in the hypersonic thermal barrier.


China successfully made cracks in the hypersonic thermal barrier. And that causes pressure on the USA. Hypersonic technology, and especially air-breathing hypersonic crafts and missiles, are things that must be taken seriously. The new ceramic materials are hard enough that they can resist the extremely high temperature at hypersonic speed. Hypersonic aircraft can be used to transport satellites and missiles into orbit. 

They can make a ballistic jump, and those systems reach every target in the world in less than an hour. Bing says that a flight around the world at the lowest possible speed in a hypersonic area, that is, a Mach 5+ flight, takes 1 hour and 25 minutes. The hypersonic drone can send small-size rockets like "Pegasus" and  its successors  into low orbit. There, they can carry cargo like small satellites.

Hypersonic cruise missiles can fly so low that the orbital systems cannot reach them. But it is too high for a regular anti-aircraft system. The hypersonic cruise missile can be installed in the nose of a ballistic missile. The missile can make a ballistic jump outside the atmosphere. Then the missile dives back, and the scramjet engine starts its operation.

Hypersonic air-breathing cruise missiles can have a longer operational range than regular cruise missiles. They can also leap from the atmosphere. And then dive back. That waving trajectory makes them hard targets for defenders. When a hypersonic craft jumps out of the atomosphere, it can shut down its engines. And when it dives back, the hydrogen injection will begin.

Things like rocket scramjets make it possible for the scramjet engine to start operating at low speeds. In rocket scramjets, the flap closes the front of the engine. And then oxygen and fuel will be injected into the combustion chamber. When that system's speed rises to high enough, the system opens the flap. Then the system closes internal oxygen, and the scramjet starts to use atmosheric air. This kind of technology allows for the creation of fast and powerful aircraft and space systems.

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