Saturday, October 28, 2023

Researchers use quantum light to hear quantum sound.

 Researchers use quantum light to hear quantum sound.

At the beginning were ion microphones.

When a pressure wave hits the box where there are atoms, it transfers energy to that atom cloud. This thing gives an idea for the ion microphones. An ion microphone can be a kilometer-long tube where laser rays are detecting pressure waves in that tube. The ion microphones can detect sound waves from the ground.

The ion microphones are boxes where there are ions or atomic clouds. When a soundwave hits that box, it sends a pressure wave to that atomic cloud. The idea is that those atoms are brought to a certain energy level, and then a pressure wave gives them an energy impulse. And the lasers can detect the movements of that gas.

"Researchers from the University of East Anglia have introduced a pioneering method using quantum light to detect quantum sound. Their study sheds light on the intricate quantum interactions between molecular vibrations and photons. The findings are expected to enhance understanding of light-matter interactions on a molecular scale and could lead to new avenues in quantum technology and biology. The team’s efforts might also spur the development of innovative techniques to detect individual phonons directly." ( Solving Molecular Mysteries: How Quantum Light “Hears” Quantum Sound)

But then to the quarter microphones.

What would you do with boxes whose inside walls are made of 100% reflecting mirrors? In those boxes, the light rays can theoretically jump between those walls forever. The system allows for very accurate measurements.

We can think that a photon cloud is similar to an atomic cloud. However, the particles in a photonic cloud are smaller. When some particle moves in a photon cloud, it sends "quantum sound," which is the quantum version of pressure waves. The idea is that when a particle hits the photonic cloud, it transfers energy to those photons. And energy travels in a photon cloud just like pressure travels in a gas cloud.

The quantum light or photon cloud can be used to measure the smallest parts of atoms. The quantum microscope that uses two superpositioned and entangled photons can detect even quark- or gluon-level particles from atoms. In that system, quantum entanglement is used as a scanning tunneling microscope that has extreme accuracy. But photon clouds can also be used to detect things like electrons' movements in their orbitals.

Quantum light is a photon cloud that could be used to detect atomic fibrations. When atoms or subatomic particles impact a photonic cloud, they send energy to those photons. And that thing can cause an effect where those photons can detect vibrations in atoms and subatomic particles.

The problem with those photon clouds is that their energy level must be precisely the right level. If the energy level of those photons is too high, the system cannot detect "quantum pressure waves" in those photons. Another problem is how to make that photon cloud. One version is to use the box, whose walls are made of 100% reflecting mirrors.

Lasers will inject photons inside the box where there are other atoms, and then electrons and other parts of those atoms will send quantum waves into that photon cloud. The use of that reflection box eliminates the unwanted effects and makes the measurements sharper.

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