Saturday, October 28, 2023

The Big Bang was not the beginning of the universe.

 The Big Bang was not the beginning of the universe. 

What was before the Big Bang? There were dimensions. The dimension could determined as the superstrings that have a certain energy level. Then something caused the situation. The superstrings send some kind of sub-strings or wave movement and that thing formed material. The impulse from those superstrings caused Schwinger to affect where those impacting superstrings formed the first particles. So we can say that the Big Bang was the event, where material or superstrings that formed material reach a certain energy level. 

But then we must ask was there a universe before our universe? There is a vision that radiation that comes from black holes is one of the reasons for dark energy. There is the possibility that information that we see as vapor of the black holes is coming from the future. The idea is that: when escaping velocity turns faster than the speed of light, the time turns to go backwards. 

Time stops at the speed of light. And if gravity turns escape velocity higher than the speed of light, the time starts to travel backward. Objects come out from the black hole at the point where the black hole formed. The question is: is time only in material? In this case black hole turns particles young. Or does the time affect also spacetime? And that caused an idea that could the quantum vapor that Sir Roger Penrose observed come from the future. 

When we think of black holes as tubes where material drops through time we can say that the expansion of the universe along with the decrease in the energy level causes the difference in energy levels from the Big Bang to the energy level at the end of the universe increasing while time goes away from the Big Bang. 

The thing that makes energy is differences in energy levels. Because the past is at a higher energy level than the future energy travels to the future. That energy keeps the black hole open. So to make energy and information backward in the black hole, the requirement is that the energy level in the future side of the black hole turns higher than it was in the past.

Is the quantum vapor, that comes from the black holes evidence of a cyclic universe? Or does that vapor come from the future? 

The question about Sir Roger Penrose's observations about the old black holes is: does that vapor come from the past or future? Penrose suggested that there was a universe before our universe. But if the black hole brings information from the future, that thing is a very interesting opportunity. 

That means the white hole is the case, where information can come from the future. The black hole's vaporization is evidence that a white hole is possible. That vaporization is seen as gravity waves. But the requirement for the existence of a white hole is that the black hole suddenly detonates. And then the energy that comes out from the channel keeps it open and forms the white hole. The thing is that a theoretical white hole brings information out of the black hole. 

And that information or radiation means that if some futuristic astronaut wants to use this phenomenon in time or space travel, that person must find a black hole and use a black hole as a transportator. The energy that comes from the white hole destroys that craft immediately. If our hypothetical astronaut wants to travel through a black hole energy level in the material of that craft must decrease very slowly or the craft will detonate immediately. 

The black hole doesn't let particles send its wave movement and energy out from it. And when a particle comes out from the black hole, it sends its extra energy with enormous speed. The reason for that is that energy always travels from a higher energy level to a lower energy level. When energy travels from that material to the environment. That thing increases the energy level around it. 

The difference between energy levels from the beginning of the black hole to the last second before it vaporizes or turns to wave movement determines how powerful is the pull in the black hole. So we can think that the first objects that formed after the Big Bang were enormous black holes. Those black holes could transfer material from the high-energy young universe to the end of the universe, where particles turn to wave movement. In this model, the first ones are the last. The first black hole is the last black hole. And the reason for that is that energy flowing through that black hole is so fast that it cannot collapse. 

And when differences between energy levels in the beginning and end of the black holes are high enough that causes an effect where material explodes. In that case, energy travels out from the material so fast that it forms an electromagnetic vacuum around the particle. And that rips particle into wave movement. This thing causes an effect where wave movement from those particles hits other wave movement. That thing can cause the new universe to start to form.

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