Thursday, November 2, 2023

How the hole in the Earth's gravity field can help to make a gravitational model?

How the hole in the Earth's gravity field can help to make a gravitational model?

There is the possibility that Zealandia the sunk landmass is the reason, why there is a weaker gravitational point in Earth's gravitational field above the Indian Ocean. If we think that Zealandia denies the quantum field's travel to Earth's core that thing can deny why that weaker gravitational field exists. In this text, the quantum field is the common name for four fundamental interactions. 

In this model, gravitation is the phenomenon where the gravitational center forms an electromagnetic tornado around its rotational axle. Then that tornado pulls electromagnetic fields into the gravitational center. And because that tornado causes electromagnetic vacuum or low pressure in the gravitational center that causes an effect where quantum fields travel in the center of the gravitational core. 

"The sea level dips by over 328 feet (100 meters) in a "gravity hole" first discovered in 1948. Today, scientists hypothesize that the hole in the Indian Ocean was shaped by plumes of magma coming from deep inside the planet, according to a new study." ( is a ‘gravity hole’ in the Indian Ocean, and scientists now think they know why)

The GUT (Grand Unified Theory) says that all fundamental forces are the same force. The idea is that all four fundamental forces or interactions are wave movements. But the wavelength of those four fundamental interactions is different. The gravitational theory goes like this. The quantum fields travel to the gravitational center and then reflect to the gravitational poles. So the quantum fields that travel to the gravitational center reflect from the middle of that gravitational center. 

So gravitational waves would be reflections in that electromagnetic field when they hit that quantum tornado that drives quantum fields to the rotating axle. The gravitation is the quantum field that pulls all other particles to the gravitational core. In that case, Zealandia isolates quantum fields from the gravitational core. And that thing makes the electromagnetic pulling effect known as gravitation weaker at that point. The idea is that the gravitation is like water that travels to the hole. And Zealandia is the shield that denies the flow at that point. 

And gravitational waves are wave movements that travel ahead of photons. The gravitational field pulls photons behind it. That causes sometimes an effect where a photon protects that wave movement. And gravitational field affects photon but not gravitational wave that travels faster than photon. There is a small energy wave behind the gravitational wave, and that thing makes the gravitational wave act like a gravitational field.

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