Thursday, December 21, 2023

AI has changed the world faster than the net.

   AI has changed the world faster than the net.

The AI or language models like Chat GPT and its followers are the tools that revolutionize the entire ICT infrastructure. Network-based applications are tools that can revolutionize working life and the AI-based architecture will make another bigger revolution. 

The AI makes everybody a programmer. The thing in business life is that the work must done effectively, and it should not be difficult. This thing has been one bottleneck for ICT development. The easiest way is not always the best way. Network-based applications are good tools for attackers. 

That they can ride with those programs. The attackers search for vulnerabilities in software. To make the application safe programmers must make complicated code and observe the source code so that attackers can't replace their source file by using their source files, where there are a couple of viruses packed with that program. 

A simpler way is that attackers cheat their targets to use applications that run on their servers. And that gives them access to all information that is made with that application. 

The AI makes complicated and large-size code very effectively. The code that the AI makes is error-free. One person can make hundreds or thousands of code lines in a very short time using AI. So that means the AI must have stoppers that deny writing malicious software. The AI that works as a language model can create control code for robots. In that case, the robot's operation is highly morphing. 

The AI can make virtual robots. That can collect and handle large data masses. Those applications will change the financial sector very soon. The AI can mine data from stock marketing. Then it can make investments for users. The algorithm can search for advances in marketing. 

AI allows that thing to maximize the profit. In that case, the system can use data. That is collected from trillions of targets. Handling that data mass is not possible for one human. But the AI algorithm can easily handle that kind of non-centralized investment. 

The system can share investments even in millions of points. And then it can sell them when it gets profit. The system can handle trillions of small targets. And that makes it possible to create a mode, where it cannot make losses. This is only one place where AI will make a revolution shortly. AI is best in business when it can handle limited and well-determined information.  But in the longer future AI will be part of our everyday life. 

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