Thursday, December 21, 2023

Can we call morphing deep-learning networks as lifeforms?

Can we call morphing deep-learning networks as lifeforms? 

Sometimes SETI researchers created a hypothesis about the silicone-based lifeforms. Silicone-based lifeforms are not necessarily "living" like we are. If determination for life is a creature that can create descendants. We can say that things like self-replicating machines called Von Neumann machines are lifeforms as well as some tigers. Also, DNA-controlled crystals that can replicate themselves can be the "lifeforms". 

Same way AI-based computer programs can exchange codes with each other. And the operating system allows the computer to learn things. And that makes it possible to ask, are those self-developing computer programs electric lifeforms? Self-replicating computer programs or computer viruses are electric Von Neumann machines. 

The Von Neumann machine can exchange data with other Von Neumann or self-replicating machines. And if they have a complex, AI-based operating system, they can modify that program code autonomously. The problem with this kind of machine is that it can make something unpredictable. At this moment. e must realize that Von Neumann's machine doesn't work without an operating system.

Things like quantum computers and deep-learning neural networks can control factories that create spare parts for their platforms are some kind of lifeforms. The cybernetical organisms, or robots that can make other robots are one version of the silicone- or non-organic lifeforms. But what is the difference between cyborgs and regular robots?

Robot uses fixed databases. Cyborgs use deep learning neural networks for learning new things. The autonomously learning cyborg can also fill the details of life. One determination for lifeform is that it can autonomously learn new things, defend itself and make descendants. But the question is always, does the robot realize what it does? In the robot's memory is a series of images that activate the defense or offense, if the robot has the authority to make those things. 

But are life and intelligence the same thing? Computers can find answers for many things like calculating complicated calculations. And they can control entireties that are so big and require extremely high accuracy. The next question is: should an organism know what it does and why it does something for being living? The fact is that there is no limit to the size of morphing deep learning networks. Another thing is that all computers in deep learning networks can be quantum computers. That increases its data handling capacity to a level. That we cannot imagine. But are those things alive or dead? That is a good question. 

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