E=mc^2 and M=E/c^2 become reality.
Japanese researchers collide photons to make material. In modern physics, researchers believe. That material is only density in wave movement. Material forms when two quantum fields or wave movements cross and form a quantum whirl in the wave movement. If that whirl is tight enough quantum fields from the outside press it into the form of quarks or gluons. The energy level of those fields determines what particle that impact forms.
In E=mc^2
c^2=speed of light potency 2
The formula that calculates the energy required to make material goes like this
We think that the energy that material releases when it turns into energy is calculated with the formula E=mc^2. The formation of material from energy will calculated using the mirror formula. So M=E/c^2. The requirement is that the energy level is divided by c^2. That kind of thing means that in that process is not needed much energy.
The thing is that we know that photons can form quarks. Quarks are one of the smallest parts of the material. That means researchers should have the ability to create more complicated structures like atoms from light. And maybe that thing called the "Schwinger effect" opens the mysteries of dark matter. The ability to create material from light also makes it possible to create so-called sterile atoms. Those atoms can used in quantum computers.
Gravity could be the movement of quantum fields. In this text term quantum fields is used as a common term that means at the same time all four fundamental interactions. Those four interactions are gravity, electromagnetism, weak nuclear force, and strong nuclear force or interactions.
"Osaka University researchers have simulated photon-photon collisions with lasers, potentially paving the way for generating matter from light in labs. This quantum physics advancement holds promise for understanding the universe’s composition and discovering new physics. (Artist’s concept.) Credit: SciTechDaily.com" (ScitechDaily.com/ E=mc² Comes Alive: Simulating Matter Creation From Laser Light)
And that thing helps to explain what is gravity. The idea is this: when a particle gets in the electromagnetic field, its spin increases. If energy pumping continues particle turns to form that is like twisted paper. Then if the outside quantum field cannot fill it that structure acts like an antenna, that sends the quantum field in another direction.
That makes particles act like some kind of thermal pump. When that particle transports quantum fields to some direction, the outside quantum field falls to it. How fast the particle transports energy or quantum fields from that point determines how powerful that pulling effect is.
The fact is this. Energy always travels from the higher energy level to the lower energy level. That thing means things like energy are relative. The difference between energy levels determines how fast energy flow between systems is. If the energy flow is high enough it forms low pressure or even a vacuum around the object.
That thing rips objects in pieces. The thing that denies the black hole formation is the asymmetry in energy or the bubble rips in pieces. But if there happens effect that quantum fields cannot go out from the bubble or come out from one direction. That makes the situation that the quantum field starts to press energy to that object. That increases the spinning speed of that tornado. And then, that thing starts to pull quantum fields from larger and larger areas.
Sometimes that field loses contact with that gravitational tornado and in that moment tornado gets a quantum field inside it. The filling of that gravitational tornado decreases the energy difference between its internal and outer structures. That causes gravitational waves and whenever a black hole sends gravitational waves, it loses a little bit of its mass.
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