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Sierra Space's Dream Chaser miniature shuttle advances ISS supply.

 Sierra Space's Dream Chaser miniature shuttle advances ISS supply. 

Dream Chaser miniature shuttle is one of the miniature space shuttles, like X37B, developed for civil and military purposes. NASA used Dream Chaser to transport equipment to the ISS (International Space Station). This miniature shuttle can make its missions manned or unmanned. 

The Dream Chaser and its companions can also fix satellites and make many other space duties. The miniature shuttles can carry repairement robots to trajectory. Those robots can also remove critical parts from jammed military and civil satellites that operate in confidential roles. That denies the confidential information transfer to hostile hands. 

The space shuttles can carry radars or telescopes. That can observe ground and other satellites. Those radars can find lost cities in the jungle.  But it also can search underground complexes. That kind of radio signal will not involve data. 

"Illustration of Sierra Space’s first Dream Chaser, named DC#1 (Tenacity). The Dream Chaser spacecraft, developed by Sierra Space for NASA, is preparing for a 2024 demonstration mission to the ISS, focusing on cargo delivery and in-orbit certification. Credit: Sierra Space" ( Space’s Dream Chaser Spaceplane: Revolutionizing ISS Resupply for NASA)

Maybe the Chinese shuttle's six mysterious "wingmen" are some kind of radar satellites. It's possible that the empty signals that some of those wingmen capsules keep the frequency occupied. Or maybe they are targeting signals that the shuttle can find those capsules. And transfer them to its cargo bay. 

In my wildest dreams, those capsules are antimatter tanks. The magnetic bottle has a thin gold layer that turns electrons to positrons. The orbiter is a good place to collect antimatter. And I certainly hope that I'm wrong. 

The miniature shuttle can operate under the AI control and it can record information into its hard disk. Then the shuttle returns and the crew will download its mission data. 

When we think of miniature shuttles as space fighters whose mission is to destroy satellites or incoming missiles we can say that centrifugal cannons are enough for that mission. The projectile's speed must not rise very high if the shuttle starts to orbit in the opposite direction to its target.

When those centrifugal cannons launch projectiles against the target. Shuttle and its target are at impact course. That gives those projectiles a very high impact speed. That kind of system is effective against missiles and satellites. The other thing is this. Space shuttles are multimission systems and modular mission packs that can be positioned in a cargo bay making them powerful and flexible systems.


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