The artificial black holes. And their abilities.
Was the Philadelphia experiment some kind of thought experiment? What happens if some ship or aircraft forms a black hole? There have been many writings about the Philadelphia experiment. In some rumors Albert Einstein made that test. But is that test the thought experiment?
In original descriptions, one or two sailors were injured because they fell to bulb lights. And that causes an idea that maybe the destroyer USS Eldridge tested some kind of new fire control calculators, some kind of electric-arc-based weapon systems. Or maybe the test used to collect data for some primitive ECM systems.
It is possible. The experiment tested so-called decoys. The holograms or projections that should used to create fake targets into the fog. In the original version, the destroyer that participated in the test was in anchor all the time.
Or maybe, the high-power electromagnetic field acted as carrier waves and caused illusions. Or made some people's nervous systems receive the EEG signals from other people's nervous systems. It's possible. That the electric field will refresh old memories or act like electric shock therapy.
But maybe we cannot ever get an answer for that test and mystery. It's possible. That the USS Eldridge was not the destroyer where the Navy made that test.
USS Eldridge (DE-173), c. 1944 (Wikipedia/Philadelphia Experiment)
Or maybe that thing was some kind of thought experiment.
It's possible. that the Philadephia experiment was some kind of thinking game. In this theoretical research, top men of physics created a model of how to make objects that can be unseen in radar, infrared, and even by the human eye. The simplest answer would be to make an artificial black hole in some ship or aircraft. In that system, the system takes electrons into some kind of frame.
And then, that frame will pull energy to that electron. And sooner or later the electron will turn to the black hole. In that model, the artificial black hole causes time dilation in the ship. And another thing is that an artificial black hole pulls all energy through the ship's hull. There is the possibility that time will stop on that ship. That means it could sail around the seas, and nobody sees a thing.
In that movie, the destroyer would form the wormhole to the future. And this thing follows the principles of indefinate causal order or ICO. The destroyer's engines would make the energy hill to the wormhole. And that thing makes the causality act like this (AB) ( Energy Hill (USS Eldridge) (BA). That thing is very interesting. In ICO the energy hill cuts the causality (AB) (Hill) (BA) that at the side the causal order is (AB).
But on another side of the hill same effect happens in order (BA). But if we make the information or energy travel to the energy hill that thing makes the events happen like this (AB) (Hill (Energy that comes from above)Hill) (BA). So in this system (AB) and (BA) happen at the same time. The reason for that is that the energy must be transported straight to the top of the hill. And if we want to send it through the hillside information that comes down the hillside denies that thing.
Its possible to store information into the energy hill. And then turn that hill in another direction. That makes it possible to make information travel like this (AB)>(Energy hill)>Information stored in the energy hill. Then Energy Hill turns around and releases information in another direction. That makes information stay in order (AB).
But it's possible to make an energy hill that affects both sides of it like this. (AB)(Energy(Information) hill)(AB). That requires that information be stored on the top of the hill when it's forming. That makes it possible to release events onto both sides of the hill.
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