Wednesday, December 20, 2023

The new studies open the path for interspecies communication. And new types of intelligence work.

 The new studies open the path for interspecies communication. And new types of intelligence work. 

Scientists uncovered the neurotransmitter-transporter's structure. Connecting with nanotechnology and AI, this kind of thing makes it possible for computers can create synthetic neurotransmitter-transporters to communicate with even the human nervous system. The computer-neuron data interaction can make it possible to create new half-organic microchips that use living neurons for data-handling processes. 

The problem with those kinds of systems is been, how to make microprocessors to communicate with microchips. And the grey area in that process has been the neurotransmitter's role in the process. 

The next-generation AI uses similar processes to the human brain for data-handling processes. The system stores things in short-term RAM, and then it connects the previous things with those memory units. And that thing makes those systems learning porcess more advanced and more effective. 

And when we research AI. We are learning something about ourselves and other species. The ability to make synthetic neurotransmitter-carriers opens a new path to interspecies communication. And maybe, quite soon we can see memories of other species. The ability to communicate with other species is partially possible. 

"An interdisciplinary team has found that AI models, particularly the Transformer, process memory in a manner similar to the human brain’s hippocampus. This breakthrough suggests that applying neuroscience principles, like those of the NMDA receptor, to AI can improve memory functions, advancing the field of AI and offering insights into human brain function. Credit:" ( a Striking Discovery, AI Shows Human-Like Memory Formation)

The communication between SETI researchers and humpback whales simulates human and alien communication. 

SETI researchers communicated with humpback whales. This was the first time when researchers talked with other species. The communication between researchers and humpback whales is based on AI and the knowledge of how those whales react to sounds that their packmates send. 

That communication test was interesting, and it can open new roads for AI and protect diversity in the sea. Maybe in the future. Nature protectors can simply tell whales what they should avoid. The AI makes it possible to crack the secret code of nature. And maybe someday in the future, we see what animals remember. 

The same technology that SETI used to hack the humpback whales' communication can be used to hack the enemy command system. The AI-based multisensor system can collect data from enemy communication, and then the system compares signals to enemy maneuvers. This is the new way to crack enemy communication systems. And the AI makes reaction time for those things very short. 

The stealth technology makes it important to find new systems that can replace regular AWACS aircraft. One of them is a stratospheric miniature helicopter swarm that uses IR- and visual sensors to track low-flying stealth systems. If the system knows what signals predict certain maneuvers that thing can make it more effective than anytime before.

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