Saturday, January 6, 2024

Dark matter and its role in magnetism. (Magnets, levitation, and transportation).

   Dark matter and its role in magnetism. (Magnets, levitation, and transportation). 

How does a neutron divide? And can that process tell about things like electromagnetism?

In some models, gluons and quarks are polar particles. That thing explains why things like material exist. We could call that thing quantum magnetism because those particles are far smaller than polar particles called neutrons. And is the magnetic field some kind of energy flow through those particles? 

Can the neutron's divide open the view to dark energy, dark matter, and magnetism? Two down quarks and one up quark form a neutron. Down quarks are more massive or their energy level is higher than up quarks. The up quark pulls energy out from those down quarks. That thing causes the energy flow that pulls the quantum field or "quantum flow" through the neutron and forms the N and S poles of that particle. Could similar flow form the magnetic fields? I will write about that thing later in this text. 

That energy jumps or reflects out from the up quark. That energy travels to a quantum field that surrounds those three quarks. That quantum field rips in pieces causing a neutron divide. The neutron's structure consists of only three quarks two down and one up quark. That means the energy flow between those quarks is rougher than in protons. 

Protons do not probably divide. Protons have two up quarks and one down quark. That means energy flow from the down quark is more gentle than in neutrons. And there are also other particles inside the proton than just two up and one down quarks. That thing makes energy pockets to that baryon. Those energy pockets can keep protons in their form.  There are no observations about the proton's divide. 

The neutron's divide releases energy. Neutrons have poles. That means it is possible that some part of dark energy forms when neutrons divide. The dividing process of neutrons is called quantum fission.

"Researchers at SISSA (Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzat) propose that dark matter mini-halos in the universe could reveal the existence of primordial magnetic fields, offering new insights into the early universe and the nature of cosmic magnetic fields. Credit:" ( the Mysterious Origins of Magnetic Fields: Dark Matter’s Key to a Cosmic Puzzle)

What is dark matter's role in magnetism? 

The mysterious origin of dark matter could be the key to magnetism. Nobody knows where dark matter is born. And what is its role in the universe's reactions? 

Researchers don't know the origin of magnetism. In some models, some unknown particle that connects to some elementary particle or their quantum field causes an effect where the energy flow from that particle causes asymmetry in the particle's quantum field. And that thing can explain why particles can pull each other together. That asymmetry explains the magnetism. The difference between magnetism and gravity could be that in gravity there is more than one unknown particle causing gravity. 

That thing means that gravitons or WIMPs are pulling energy to them symmetrically. And if there is only one WIMP. Connected to the particle that causes polar energy flow. That energy flow causes a repel effect when two magnets same mark poles are against each other. In that case, the standing wave pushes magnets from each other. And when the opposite poles (north and south poles) are against each other that energy flow pulls them together. 

Does some kind of energy flow through magnets explain the magnetic field? 

So could that particle that causes the magnetic effect be called WIMP (Weakly interacting massive particle)? The WIMP is a hypothetical dark matter particle. And the asymmetry in the quantum fields can explain magnetism and gravity. In the case of gravity. That asymmetry would be so small, that this makes gravity very weak. The thing is that magnetism is a polar force. That thing gives magnets the ability to push and pull other particles. But the pulling effect requires that the same polar poles are against each other. 

Pulling requires that the magnet's opposite poles are against each other. So sometimes magnetis is described as some kind of energy flow that travels through the magnet. And this flow may be similar to energy, or "quantum flow" through neutrons. 

That energy flow pulls energy out from the metal object, and then the energy from another side of the magnet pushes metal to the magnet. The idea is that the standing wave between the same mark poles causes the repel effect. 

The research that is made at DTU (Technical University of Denmark) can revolutionize transportation. 

"In 2021, Turkish scientist Hamdi Ucar discovered a novel form of magnetic levitation, where a rapidly rotating magnet caused a nearby magnet to levitate. This phenomenon, which defied classical physics, was replicated and studied by Professor Rasmus Bjørk and his team. They found that the levitating magnet aligns with the spinning magnet, creating an equilibrium akin to a spinning top. Credit:" ( Gravity: Scientists Solve Mystery of Magnetic Hovering Beyond Classical Physics)

Magnetic levitation using fast-rotating magnets. 

The magnetic levitation is possible between magnetic objects. The large objects can levitate if they are over the magnetic track like in Maglev trains. Or if the system must not have connected with the magnetic tracks the system can deliver magnetic powder to the ground. And then the rotating magnets will put the platform hover above that magnetic powder. When the transportation is over, the system can collect that magnetic metal dust away using magnets.  In some other models, quadcopters can carry powerful electric magnets. 

Those copters can fly below the object. Or they can lay themself on the ground and make the magnetic track. When the system will transport the object to the other side of the track. The last quadcopters can go to the front of it. And that allows making a Maglev (Magnetic levitation) track using a limited number of quadcopters. 

Those quadcopters can get electricity for their magnets from wires. Or as the form of coherent radio waves (Radio masers). The radio maser can benefit the ion channels that the system can make using a radio wave-laser ray combination. Then the system can send high-voltage electric impulses through that channel or virtual wire. 

Or the system can make energy transfer using an electrolytic water. In that system, the salt water spray that is used in tasers can used to transport electricity to those quadcopters. 

"Magnetic levitation demonstrated using a Dremel tool spinning a magnet at 266 Hz. The rotor magnet is 7x7x7 mm3 and the floater magnet is 6x6x6 mm3. This video shows the physics described in the research. Credit: DTU." ( Gravity: Scientists Solve Mystery of Magnetic Hovering Beyond Classical Physics)

ScitechDaily tells about magnetic levitation by using rotating magnets like this. 

"While magnetic levitation is nothing new – the best-known example is probably Maglev trains that rely on a strong magnetic force for lift and propulsion – the experiment puzzled physicists as this phenomenon was not described by classical physics, or, at least, by any of known mechanism of magnetic levitation." ( Gravity: Scientists Solve Mystery of Magnetic Hovering Beyond Classical Physics)

"It is now, however. Rasmus Bjørk, a professor at DTU (Technical University of Denmark) Energy, was intrigued by Ucar’s experiment and set out to replicate it with MSc student Joachim M. Hermansen while figuring out exactly what was going on. The replicating was easy and could be done by using off-the-shelf components, but the physics of it was strange, says Rasmus Bjørk:" ( Gravity: Scientists Solve Mystery of Magnetic Hovering Beyond Classical Physics)

"The experiments involved several magnets of differing sizes, but the principle remained the same: By rotating a magnet very fast the researchers observed how another magnet nearby, dubbed a “floater magnet,” started spinning at the same speed while it quickly locked into a position where it stayed hovering." ( Gravity: Scientists Solve Mystery of Magnetic Hovering Beyond Classical Physics)

"They found that as the floater magnet locked into position, it was oriented close to the axis of rotation and towards the like pole of the rotor magnet. So, for instance, the north pole of the floater magnet, while it was spinning, stayed pointing towards the north pole of the fixed magnet." ( Gravity: Scientists Solve Mystery of Magnetic Hovering Beyond Classical Physics)

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