Saturday, February 3, 2024

The confirmation of quark material existence is on the door.

"Artist’s impression of the different layers inside a massive neutron star, with the red circle representing a sizable quark-matter core. (Image: Jyrki Hokkanen, CSC)" (University of  Helsinki, Further evidence for quark matter cores in massive neutron stars)

The models created for neutron stars can be used to model still hypothetical quark stars. 

Researchers at the University of Helsinki are close to proving the existence of an exotic material called quark material. That material existence in extremely heavy neutron stars is almost confirmed. Now we can say that this material opens the path to finding a new star type called quark stars.  The quark stars would be objects between black holes and neutron stars. 

The quark star forms during a supernova explosion and melts protons and neutrons together. And that reaction forms material where only quarks exist. The quark stars' rotation would be very fast. That rotation where centripetal force resists gravity is the requirement that a quark star will not fall into a black hole. 

And if that rotation ends, the quark star will fall into a black hole. The quark material is the strongest known material in the universe if it exists. When neutrons and protons make so-called quantum fusion, where proton and neutron melt into one entirety. That reaction delivers more energy than people think. It's possible that around the quark star forms a small cosmic void, that can rip the quark star in pieces. 

The biggest difference between a neutron star and a quark star is in the reaction that forms the star. In neutron stars electrons impact with protons. This reaction turns protons and electrons into neutrons. In still hypothetical quark stars neutrons impact with protons. The other model is that the neutrons impact with other neutrons. In that model, the shockwave falls in the supernova explosion. With gravity pulls or pushes neutrons together. 

Quark stars may have a homogenous structure. That means the quark star's shell and core rotate at the same speed. This thing makes its magnetic field quite weak. 

In that model, the quark star's shell and its core have the same rotation speed. That thing probably denies the form of the magnetic field. Or quark star's interaction with plasma around it forms a magnetic field. The quark stars are hypothetical forms. And for that structure, we can use the same models with neutron stars. 

The high-speed rotation of that structure turns quantum fields in the direction of the rotation axle. And that thing turns quantum fields to the sideways from the orbiter. That could explain material disks and the relativistic jets. The plasma that orbits the black hole forms its magnetic field. 

But if we think that the hypothetical quark stars are even heavier or something slows their rotation too much. That thing causes an effect where quarks press together into one entirety. When quarks that form quark stars melt together, the fall of the structure pulls quantum fields against that object. This thing forms a black hole. In black holes. The magnetic field forms when plasma whirls around the relativistic jet at different speeds. 


Are quark stars the thing that is behind the FRBs (the fast radio bursts)? 

But then back to the quark stars. Quark stars may not have a very strong magnetic field. The reason for that is that there is a possibility that quark stars are homogenous structures. The free quarks in the quark star's nucleus can be called quark gas. 

Otherwise, there could be free quarks, the quark gas in the structure. Those free quarks can form a stronger magnetic field than any magnetar can form. The reason why I believe in homogenous structure is that. There is no evidence of the quark star pulsar. It's still possible that a fast-rotating quark star's centripetal force pulls those quarks away from each other. And that could be from that quark gas. So could the quark stars be behind the FRB:s. That fast rotation theory, where extremely fast rotation forms free quarks in quarks stars explains why those FRBs:s happen suddenly. 


In neutron stars, the lightest neutron stars have the strongest magnetic fields. 

The neutron star's shell's rotation speed compared to its core's rotation speed is the thing that determines the power of the magnetic field. The neutron star's shell acts the same way as a generator. 

The difference between its shell and core speed is lower in heavy neutron stars. That means their magnetic field is weaker than light neutron stars called magnetars. 

There is a possibility that in some cases the reason for the FRB is that the magnetar's shell will start to rotate in an opposite direction than its shell. In that case, the magnetar's magnetic field turns extremely strong. Things like black holes and neutron stars that are part of binary stars can open this mystery. And maybe someday, we can find the most exotic star in the universe, the object that forms pure quarks. This is one thing that can help solve the mysteries in the universe.

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