Sunday, March 31, 2024

Japanese art gives inspiration for next-generation fusion systems.

"Inspired by Kintsugi, scientists at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) have developed a method to manage plasma in fusion reactors by utilizing magnetic field imperfections, enhancing stability and paving the way for more reliable and efficient fusion power. Credit:" (,Ancient Japanese Art Inspires Next-Gen Fusion Reactor Breakthrough)

During fusion tests, high-energy plasma travels in the particle accelerator. The problem with fusion is that this plasma is monotonic. There is only one type of ion. The system must press those ionized atoms against each other where their cores melt to new elements. 

During that process deuterium and tritium turn into helium. In some models, tritium is replaced by helium 3.  The big problem is this: when a fusion reaction ignites. That energy impulse pushes plasma away. That impulse breaks entirety. So there should be some pockets, where the energy impulse can go. Or it breaks the ion ring. 

The distance of those nuclei is turning too high. And that ends fusion. In some models, the deuterium and tritium turned into the ion and anion that particle accelerators shoot together. In that model, the fusion reactor is a "Y"-shaped system where the ions and anions impact together. 

What if fusion starts at the outer edge of the plasma ring? This thing requires a new shape of fusion. The new fusion system can create an apple-shaped hollow fusion where the system injects high-speed plasma ions. Another way is to shoot laser rays through the plasma that orbits in the Tokamak reactor. 

Another way is to make the fusion system that begins the fusion at the outer edge of the plasma material. In that ring-looking ignition model, there is a laser or ion beam. That conducts energy out from the inside of the plasma. The plasma structure itself is hollow. And the problem is how to deny the energy reflection from the inner structure. The thing that destroys the ion structure is the energy impulse that will travel out of the system. 

In some other models, there is a thermal pump or some kind of electromagnetic or acoustic beam that can make a lower energy area in fusion material. The idea is that there is a hole where the system can drive high-energy plasma. 

Then the system will ignite fusion conducting high-energy ionized plasma in that lower energy point. The idea is that the high-energy plasma can act like a diesel-engine piston. It pushes the plasma to the chamber wall and the magnetic field pushes it back. That system can ignite fusion at the edge of the plasma structure. 

This thing makes energy space travel in the plasma. If plasma sticks inside the surrounding plasma high energy makes energy move into the plasma very smooth. Then the laser ray transports energy out from the middle of the fusion.

Monday, March 18, 2024

The new atom clocks make records in time measurement.

"Multilevel atoms on a superradiance potential “rollercoaster” inside an optical cavity. The system can be tuned to generate squeezing in a dark state where it will be immune to superradiance. CreditSteven Burrows/Rey Group". (ScitechDaily, Quantum Leap: How Spin Squeezing Pushes Limits of Atomic Clock Accuracy)

New atom clocks use a method called spin squeezing to measure time. The new, highly accurate atom clocks can measure things, like gravitational waves, and dark matter. And many other things. Ability to measure time very accurately based in a fully controlled environment, where outcoming electromagnetic effects are minimized. In the quantum atom clocks the number of used atoms is minimized. And that minimizes the atom's interrelational energy effect. 

The atom clocks are used to research things like time dilation and in highly accurate measurements. Large groups of atom clocks that interact with LIGO-type laser systems can act like an insect's net eye that measures gravity waves. 

Atom clock can measure the time between laser transmission and its echo very accurately. The maser- or radio maser technology makes it possible to create also high-accurate radio-wave-based radar systems. 

Atom clocks are required in radar technology. Where radio waves and echo travel between the object to the plate. In those systems, the radar measures the time that a radio wave travels between the transmitter and the object. The system measures the form of the object using multiple small antennas that send highly accurate coherent radio waves. 

The system must measure the time between transmission and echo in every single antenna separately. The maser system can use nanotechnology to make an antenna group that acts like an insect's net eye. And nanotechnical atom clocks are lightweight systems. 

In traditional atom clocks, there was Cesium in the chamber, and then the Geiger meter calculated the radioactive elements that travel in it. That thing gives a higher accurate time measurement than regular quartz crystals. But things like gravity wave measurements require more accurate systems. In the newer atom clocks, the radioactive element's temperature is fully controlled, and the radioactive crystals are protected against outcoming radiation. 

The idea is that there are things like nano-crystals where Cesium or some other atoms are stored. And in the new atom clocks radioactive atoms hover between sensors. 

The new atom clocks use nano-size crystals where cesium or strontium atoms are trapped. That makes atom clocks safer. However, the use of a minimal number of radioactive materials minimizes the interrelative effects of those atoms. This thing makes atom clocks safer in the case, that somebody wants to steal those systems.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Nano-acoustic systems make new types of acoustic observation systems possible.

Acoustic diamonds are a new tool in acoustics. 

Another way to make very accurate soundwaves is to take a frame of 2D materials like graphene square there is a hole. And then electrons or laser beams can make that structure resonate. Another way is to use the electromagnetic field that resonates with the frame and turns electromagnetic energy into an oscillation in the frame. 

Nano-acoustic systems can be the next tool for researching the human body. The new sound-wave-based systems make it possible to see individual cells. Those soundwave-based systems or nano-sonars are tools that can have bigger accuracy. Than ever before. The nano-sonar can use nanodiamonds or nanotubes as so-called nano-LRAD systems that send coherent sound waves to the target. In nanotube-based systems, the nanotube can be in the nanodiamond. 

The term acoustic diamond means a diamond whose system oscillates. The system can create oscillation sending acoustic or electromagnetic waves to the diamond. Diamond transforms that oscillation into sound waves. The system can create oscillation conducting electricity to diamon or it can use laser rays to create extremely strong sound using nanodiamonds. The laser ray can form a so-called photoacoustic phenomenon in diamonds. The laser ray pushes carbon atoms forward it sends oscillation waves in that structure. When the oscillation starts in a diamond, its atomic structure aims soundwaves into one point. 

Nanodiamonds are the tools that make it possible to create very highly accurate and strong sound waves. Those soundwaves can holes in walls and metal structures. So they can used as acoustic drills. The nano-acoustic systems can used as new ultra-accurate sonar systems. The nano-diamond-based sonars can uncover invisible details. Nanodiamond-based acoustic crystals can used to send extremely accurate sound waves into targets.

And that thing makes them also very effective acoustic weapons. The acoustic laser (LRAD) systems can use acoustic diamonds to make coherent sound waves. In those systems, loudspeakers are replaced using acoustic diamonds. And those systems can create acoustic wormholes through the gas. That makes them effective tools for nanotechnology, and those systems can have weapon applications. 

There could be a straight carbon molecule in the nanotube, And then the oscillation in that diamond is sent to the nanotube, which uses the carbon chain to aim those acoustic waves precisely at the right point. The system creates oscillation using some other acoustic system. That transfers waves into the nano-diamond. Or the system can send laser waves into that nanodiamond. Those nano-acoustic systems can act as sonars where sound waves reflect. Or those systems can send acoustic waves through the object, where they act, as acoustic X-ray machines.

In some visions, the nanodiamonds can offer a new way to create small-size flying machines. Nanodiamonds can create stable mono sounds that can make small-size drones fly without moving parts. There could be a series of nanodiamonds on the layer. And then the system sends oscillation into each of them in turn. This kind of diamond-based system can make soundwaves that offer small-size aerial vehicles the ability to hover above the layer. 

The "patterned low-intensity, low-frequency ultrasound" systems can used to detect things from brains. Those systems have no poisonous side effects. And the nano-acoustics make them extremely accurate. High-accurate ultrasounds can search for things like blocks in blood vessels. 

They can see anomalies in blood vessels. But if their accuracy is good enough they can observe living neurons and neuro-transmitters by using ultrasound systems. That kind of system allows researchers to see interactions in living bodies with new tools and new accuracy.

Friday, March 1, 2024

The diamonds are impressive qubits.


"A recent study has introduced a potent combination of diamond and lithium niobate for quantum technologies, achieving a remarkable 92% light transmission efficiency. This advancement promises to enhance the development of quantum computing and communication networks." (ScitechDaily, Redefining Quantum Possibilities: Scientists Develop Diamond-Lithium Niobate Chip With 92% Efficiency)

The idea in diamond qubits is that there are some different atoms in the diamond's carbon structure. Those different atoms like nitrogen, boron, or some noble gas can turn into the part of a diamond using electromagnetic radiation. The idea is that those boron atoms can used to make the quantum entanglement in that diamond.

In some visions, the high-class light handling capacity makes it possible for the entire diamond or carbon atoms in it to turn into the quantum entanglement network. That makes this system the most powerful solid qubit in the world. 

"Figure 1: Lower right: Structurally, the NV center consists of a pair of adjacent defects in the diamond lattice, namely, a nitrogen atom substituting for a carbon, together with a vacancy (a missing atom). Main figure: In abstract terms, each NV center is composed of at least one nuclear spin, and an electron complex with total spin 1. Bermudez et al. have determined that under a suitable driving field, the electron spins will constitute a channel by which the nuclei in neighboring NV centers can interact, thus achieving entanglement." (Physics, Driving a Hard Bargain with Diamond Qubits)

In some models, the diamond can replaced using the mountain crystal or quartz crystal. The quartz is a chemical compound. And in that case inside artificial mountain crystals will be landards. Those rare earth metal atoms can also form structures. Where the quantum computer makes the quantum entanglements. 

And in the most interesting vision is that the system replaces mountain crystals using a very clean glass that is pressed in a very high pressure. In that model, the pure glass or silicone crystal is the new material that stops electrons inside it and can used as the qubit. In other models, the system can put lenders. Or some other material such as salt. Into the glass crystal. And in that case, the silicone replaces carbon in that structure. 

The new metamaterial can revolutionize the AI and quantum computing. The metamaterial can stop electrons inside it. And that thing can turn it into the most advanced quantum computer. The system can make quantum entanglement between two stopped electron lines. And that thing can revolutionize quantum computing. The qubit doesn't have its final shape yet. And the advancement in quantum systems is very fast. The leading companies invest billions in that research.

Biomimetics makes Star Wars-type robot hands and terminators real.

Bio-hybrid robot means a system, covered by human tissue if the system is human-shaped. The biohybrid system can mimic animals. Those biomim...