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Showing posts from March, 2024

Japanese art gives inspiration for next-generation fusion systems.

"Inspired by Kintsugi, scientists at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) have developed a method to manage plasma in fusion reactors by utilizing magnetic field imperfections, enhancing stability and paving the way for more reliable and efficient fusion power. Credit:" (,Ancient Japanese Art Inspires Next-Gen Fusion Reactor Breakthrough) During fusion tests, high-energy plasma travels in the particle accelerator. The problem with fusion is that this plasma is monotonic. There is only one type of ion. The system must press those ionized atoms against each other where their cores melt to new elements.  During that process deuterium and tritium turn into helium. In some models, tritium is replaced by helium 3.  The big problem is this: when a fusion reaction ignites. That energy impulse pushes plasma away. That impulse breaks entirety. So there should be some pockets, where the energy impulse can go. Or it breaks the ion ring.  The distanc

The new atom clocks make records in time measurement.

"Multilevel atoms on a superradiance potential “rollercoaster” inside an optical cavity. The system can be tuned to generate squeezing in a dark state where it will be immune to superradiance. CreditSteven Burrows/Rey Group". (ScitechDaily, Quantum Leap: How Spin Squeezing Pushes Limits of Atomic Clock Accuracy) New atom clocks use a method called spin squeezing to measure time. The new, highly accurate atom clocks can measure things, like gravitational waves, and dark matter. And many other things. Ability to measure time very accurately based in a fully controlled environment, where outcoming electromagnetic effects are minimized. In the quantum atom clocks the number of used atoms is minimized. And that minimizes the atom's interrelational energy effect.  The atom clocks are used to research things like time dilation and in highly accurate measurements. Large groups of atom clocks that interact with LIGO-type laser systems can act like an insect's net eye that meas

Nano-acoustic systems make new types of acoustic observation systems possible.

Acoustic diamonds are a new tool in acoustics.  Another way to make very accurate soundwaves is to take a frame of 2D materials like graphene square there is a hole. And then electrons or laser beams can make that structure resonate. Another way is to use the electromagnetic field that resonates with the frame and turns electromagnetic energy into an oscillation in the frame.  Nano-acoustic systems can be the next tool for researching the human body. The new sound-wave-based systems make it possible to see individual cells. Those soundwave-based systems or nano-sonars are tools that can have bigger accuracy. Than ever before. The nano-sonar can use nanodiamonds or nanotubes as so-called nano-LRAD systems that send coherent sound waves to the target. In nanotube-based systems, the nanotube can be in the nanodiamond.  The term acoustic diamond means a diamond whose system oscillates. The system can create oscillation sending acoustic or electromagnetic waves to the diamond. Diamond trans

The diamonds are impressive qubits.

  "A recent study has introduced a potent combination of diamond and lithium niobate for quantum technologies, achieving a remarkable 92% light transmission efficiency. This advancement promises to enhance the development of quantum computing and communication networks." (ScitechDaily, Redefining Quantum Possibilities: Scientists Develop Diamond-Lithium Niobate Chip With 92% Efficiency) The idea in diamond qubits is that there are some different atoms in the diamond's carbon structure. Those different atoms like nitrogen, boron, or some noble gas can turn into the part of a diamond using electromagnetic radiation. The idea is that those boron atoms can used to make the quantum entanglement in that diamond. In some visions, the high-class light handling capacity makes it possible for the entire diamond or carbon atoms in it to turn into the quantum entanglement network. That makes this system the most powerful solid qubit in the world.  "Figure 1: Lower right: Structu