Friday, April 26, 2024

What if we could slow time in our brains? (Superquantum radars and Tipler cylinders around axons)

"Researchers have developed new radar technology that improves distance resolution significantly, promising enhancements in various fields such as military and archaeology. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Super Radar: Pioneering Research Overcomes Historic Trade-Offs Between Distance and Detail)

Tiny robotic nerve cuffs can make a new way to treat neurological conditions. The robotic nerve cuffs can cover the axons, and then those systems can transmit information between neurons and computers. Doctors can inject those nerve cuffs into blood vessels, where they will travel to neural structures. And start to transmit data to axons. 

"Researchers at the University of Cambridge have developed a new type of flexible device that can wrap around nerve fibers without causing damage, using techniques from flexible electronics and soft robotics. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Tiny Robotic Nerve “Cuffs” Could Transform How We Treat Neurological Conditions)

The neural cuffs can also make it possible to create one, interesting theoretical system. It's possible. In the far future. Those nerve cuffs can used as the Tipler cylinders in the nervous system. Those cylinders can form the ion whirl around them. And then that system can slow the time in the neural structure. That thing can make it possible to create a system that gives time to think by slowing the time in the neural structures. 

And that is one version to boost the power of the thinking system. If one second is two seconds in the system. That means that. The system makes twice as many operations as the system outside it. That kind of futuristic thing can maybe be real someday in the future. 

"A new compact and lightweight single-photon airborne lidar system could make single-photon lidar practical for air and space applications such as 3D terrain mapping. Credit: Feihu Xu, University of Science and Technology of China." (ScitechDaily, How Tiny Lidar Tech is Redefining High-Resolution 3D Mapping

Optical computers are the right tools to control small-size advanced robots. And they can operate as a medium between quantum and binary computers. 

The optical computers are closer than we think. The optical computer is always low low-energy system. That system can used to make small-size systems that can revolutionize robotics and computing. Optical computers are less sensitive to electromagnetic radiation than regular or electric computers. There is not so much resistance in optical computers than in electric computers. The optical systems can also combine the data transmitting and measuring tools. 

"Researchers have demonstrated a scalable method for quantum computing by successfully showing quantum interference among photons using temporal encoding, offering a potential path toward more accessible quantum technologies. Credit:" (scitechDaily, Compact Quantum Light Processing: Time-Bending Optical Computing Breakthrough)

The Quantum radars can see even humans. 

The lightweight lidar systems can scan even the human fingerprints from the orbital trajectories. The lidar system is the laser beam that measures surfaces and the same system can transmit data. And the thing that determines is the laser measurement tool, data transmission tool, or weapon. The lidar system can turn into a weapon, simply by changing the laser beam's energy level. 

The new powerful quantum radar technology can scan even the human body. The particle size that transmits data is the thing that determines the wavelength. Researchers can make a nanotechnical Doppler radar where the iron sticks are installed on the benzene molecule. 

When that system starts to rotate, the nano-size Doppler radar can scan the molecule-size structures. And that thing makes it possible to scan even human body details. The only limit is that those systems must get radar echoes from somewhere. But iron in the human body can reflect radio waves.

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