Thursday, May 16, 2024

AI is the tool, that revolutionizes the medical industry.

"Researchers are investigating bacteriophages, particularly “jumbo” phages with large genomes, as potential tools to combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria. These phages might be engineered to deliver antibiotics directly to infections, offering a new strategy in the fight against deadly pathogens." (ScitechDaily, When Giants Fight Microscopic Wars: Jumbo Viruses Tackle Superbugs)

Jumboviruses can act as nanomachines that carry medicals in the right cells. In that case, the researchers can replace giant viruses or jumbo viruses DNA using the long-chain proteins. The system can pump those proteins into the targeted cells. 

The AI is an ultimate tool to control complicated molecule production. The next-generation AI-powered environments are tools that can make breakthroughs in medical work. The long-chain molecules are themselves good tools for medicines. The protein can fill targeted cells. And that makes new types of medicals possible. The only problem is this: how do make sure, that proteins travel in the precise right cells? 

If researchers can solve that problem. That will make it possible to create next-generation medicals. That can used for many purposes. And what if, the researchers can make one medicine that fits bacteria and cancer? The researchers can use proteins for that purpose. 

One answer to the problem is the virus, where proteins replaced its genetic material.

One thing that can make this kind of medicine possible is giant macroviruses. The AI-driven system can create modified macro viruses, that genetic material replaced using the protein fibers. The large-size "virus" shoots the protein fiber in the targeted cells. And those fibers can jam the ion pump. Or it can fill the targeted cells. 

Another version of those things is the genetically engineered, microchip-controlled immune cells, that can pump proteins into the targeted cells. This kind of genetically engineered cells can carry the genetically coded self-destruction mechanism. When the cell makes its mission, the DNA self-destructs that cell. 

The ability to connect genomes over species borders makes it possible to create artificial ricin molecules, that will cut in pieces. Ricin could be a powerful cytostatic if the researchers can control that molecule. 

If the system can connect the enzyme to that molecule that cuts the ricin in pieces when it's out of the cell, that helps to make safer cytostatics. The system can use a similar enzyme as the enzyme that divides the DNA to destroy ricin molecules. Similar cells can remove things like HIV viruses from the body. 

The genetically engineered cells can collect those extremely poisonous molecules into a bubble, where they cannot harm non-wanted parts of the human body. Genetically engineered cells are the ultimate tools, that can collect poisonous chemicals from the body.

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