Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Predicting order and chaos is important in nanotechnology.

"Harvard scientists have demonstrated that quantum coherence can persist through chemical reactions in ultracold molecules, suggesting broader applications for quantum information science and potentially in more common environmental conditions." (ScitechDaily, Quantum Coherence: Harvard Scientists Uncover Hidden Order in Chemical Chaos)

Chaos is the thing that creates turbulence in every system. The turbulence is the thing that destroys the quantum entanglements and makes it difficult to transport information over long distances. 

When we try to yell over long distances. The wind covers those soundwaves. And that thing makes it impossible to yell over extremely long distances. 

We can thank chaos that things like hurricanes cannot continue forever. In Earth's atmosphere when a hurricane travels over the ground. Friction takes more energy from it than it gets from the sun. The reason why the hurricane's existence ends over the dry land is that: the whirl loses its energy from below it. 

"Advanced machine learning algorithms have shown potential in efficiently controlling complex systems, promising significant improvements in autonomous technology and digital infrastructure." (ScitechDaily, Predicting Chaos With AI: The New Frontier in Autonomous Control)

And that pulls energy out from the whirl from below it. When the hurricane turns into a lower energy level than its environment, outside energy destroys it. 

And that thing destroys the whirl. Hurricanes can continue even thousands of years in low-energy systems. 

Jupiter's Great Red Spot is the anticyclone that hovers in Jupiter's atmosphere. The sunlight and tidal forces of Jupiter's moon raise that spot's energy level higher than its environment. That keeps the whirl hovering in a giant planet's atmosphere for a very long time. The Neptune's Great Dark Spot spot is a little bit different phenomenon. 

We can see how chaos and order alternate in Jupiter's Great Red Spot. First, we can see the whirl. Then we can see the chaos, and after that, we can see the repeating entireties in the structure. 

Neptune's dark spot continues its existence for a very long time because the sun and side friction can raise the spot's energy level higher than its environment. Side and upcoming energy turns the whirls energy level so high, that the outside gas and energy cannot fill it. In those systems, another order forms in the bigger orders. 

The whirls also organized systems. In Jupiter and Neptune, chaos and order alternate in their atmosphere. When we first look at Jupiter's atmosphere. First, we can see the complete order. Then we can see the whirls in the borders of the cloud lines. Those order and chaos alternate in the Great Red spot as well as in all other structures in nature. 

The Great Dark Spot structure. 

And then we can find the order again. That kind of thing is important for nanomechanical research. 

There is always order in chaos. When we look at things like liquids, we might think. That liquid is a chaotic system. But when we search for the tiniest things in the quantum world. There is always formation that is clear and without chaos. 

But the system's attempt is always to reach some kind of order. The outside or inside force that affects similarly in some structures forces the system into order. The idea is that the force first affects some parts of the system. Then those parts pull other parts of the system with them. 

If the system can predict the behavior and advance in the ordering process, that system can make new types of structures. 

The AI can observe large entireties. It can control protein formation in its entirety, and that thing is one of the key elements in medicine production. The acoustic systems can make channels in liquids where long-chain proteins can form. However, the system must know the precise right point in ordering liquid so that the channel can get the precise right form. 

The form of the long proteins is extremely important. Because Vanderwaals' forces can turn the wrong reaction points in the long proteins in the wrong direction. In medicines, the reaction and contact points must be at the right points, or that molecule goes in the wrong ion pump.

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