Friday, June 21, 2024

Is it dark matter or Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND)?

"Using gravitational lensing, scientists uncovered that dark matter may stretch over a million light-years from galactic centers, proposing significant adjustments to our gravitational theories or the concept of dark matter itself. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Revising Relativity: How Modified Gravity Challenges Einstein and Dark Matter)

 Is it dark matter or Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND)? 

Maybe they are both right. 

In the beginning, we must ask one question. That question is: can both theories: Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) and dark matter theories be true? There is the possibility. There are two kinds of gravity waves. A short and long. In that model, the long gravity wave origin is in the strings between quarks and gluons. 

The long gravity waves come from some quantum fields around some particles or particle groups. Those long gravity waves can have light-year scale wavelength. Modern telescopes noticed. That there are wave-formations in galaxies that wavelength it millions or even billions of light years.

In some other models, the gravity waves can be longer than previously thought. In some models, gravity waves are like serpentines. They can surround particles. And that can explain dark matter. In that model, gravity is an energy ditch in front of particles or waves. That energy ditch pulls particles or wave movement forward. 

And maybe that energy ditch is also between superstrings that form particles. Particles are like a whisk-looking structure. And the thing that causes the spin is the energy shadow or energy ditch at the forward of them. That thing pulls particles like electrons back and forth. 

That is one of the biggest questions in cosmology. Modified gravity theory is one of the alternative solutions for dark matter. The thing that supports MOND is the galaxy spin. Galaxies spin at the same speed at a million light-years radius from the center. And that thing supports MOND. However, gravity lensing is not calculated in that theory. 

There is a model that the dark matter is the density or focus in the gravity fields. The thing called weak lensing is the thing that could explain dark matter. The idea is that gravity refracts gravity waves just like it refracts light. And that forms the gravity focuses that act like material. 

Another thing is that there are supermassive black holes in the center of the galaxies. Those black holes are not only black holes in galaxies. When a black hole spins, it pulls material and quantum fields into the spiral-shaped things. The only thing that has not proven to turn into a spiral is a gravity wave. 

But it's possible that gravity waves also follow that track. The interaction in that spiral is complicated. Black holes send X- and gamma-ray impulses. And then those impulses hit material that travels in the spiral. That energy rises the mass of the particles. Because the energy that hits the material increases its mass. That is the reason why energy can form things like black holes. 

Then we must realize. That MOND doesn't fit with gravity lenses. Otherwise, MOND and dark matter theory are both made before gravity waves. The thing is that impacting and standing gravity waves can form virtual material. Those standing gravity waves can explain why we cannot see weakly interacting massive particles WIMPs. In some models, WIMP is a gravity tornado or gravity whirl.

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