Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Neutron stripping is a new alternative to fusion.

"Using the advanced GALILEO Array coupled with the 4π Si-ball EUCLIDES, the researchers conducted in-depth spectroscopic analysis to track and identify the reactions." (Interesting engineering, Alternative to fusion, one-neutron stripping beats powerful nuclear reaction)

"GALILEO Array (a grammar-ray detector) in combination with the 4π Si-ball EUCLIDES (an advanced laser detector)" (Interesting engineering, Alternative to fusion, one-neutron stripping beats powerful nuclear reaction)

In one neutron stripping, the system uses atoms that shoot against each other. When those atoms hit, they release neutrons that can divide fission material or the neutron can be used as an energy source, but it easier is to use the fissile materials. When one neutron transfer happens to the Bismuth 209, that turns into Polonium 210. The one-neutron stripping offers the possibility to create highly radioactive isotopes near nuclear reactors. 

But the most interesting thing in neutron stripping only one neutron transfers between atoms.  In tests, researchers used Lithium (LI-6) and Bismuth (Bi-209) isotopes to make neutron transfer. That neutron transfer turns Bismuth 209 into polonium 210. That allows systems to produce Po-210 near nuclear reactors. That means the particle accelerators can produce high-radioactive polonium near nuclear reactors. The decay energy of 1g of polonium is 4,86-5,21 MeV. That is a very high level. 

The Po-210 decays into the 206 Pb. If polonium can be used in nuclear reactors, that allows to create of nuclear fuel that doesn't leave a radioactive trace. The high-radioactive Po-210 can be dangerous if somebody touches it. 

"The decay chain of uranium-238, known as the uranium series or radium series, of which polonium-210 is a member" (Wikipedia, Polonium-210)

The main radioactive radiation that Po-210 sends is the alpha-radiation or helium ions. That means the long distance to Po-210 is enough to keep people safe. The short half-time and 206 Pb decay product are the thing that makes this Po-210 an interesting thing as the fuel, but the short half-time is the problem. 

Po-210 is a very high radioactive element. There is the possibility that if the Po-210 can be produced near the nuclear reactor, that highly radioactive material can offer quite an interesting way to create a nuclear reactor that produces  non- or almost nonradioactive waste. 

The decay product of the Po-210 is 206 Pb, which means the polonium can create a stable, nonradioactive isotope. This thing makes polonium an interesting element for nuclear reactors, and nuclear weapons. Polonium is an extremely high-radioactive material that half-time is about 4 1/2 months. That means polonium causes high danger in a short period. But in a long period, the polonium risks are limited. Or more limited than plutonium. 

The aggressive decay can turn the Po-210 into the stable 206 Pb. The alpha decay of the Po-210 is a good source of helium ions. The alpha decay sends those helium ions and a long distance to the alpha source is enough to protect people. The gamma decay in the Po-210 is weak. The polonium is used as a neutron source in the nuclear reactors and weapons. The short half-time limits the use of the Po-210. But if the transportation problems of that element are solved that allows researchers to create nuclear weapons that do not leave radioactive marks. 





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