Thursday, June 13, 2024

The quantum teleportation reached 90% accuracy in a noisy environment.

"High-fidelity quantum teleportation has been achieved by research team using a new hybrid entanglement technique that counters environmental noise, with a success rate nearing 90%. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Teleportation Just Got Real: Achieving 90% Fidelity Amidst Noise)

The quantum noise is turbulence in quantum systems. That noise or turbulence cuts the quantum entanglement. And this makes it hard to transport information accurately. This is the reason why quantum computers are quite hard to make. 

But today there is a breakthrough.  Developers and researchers made quantum teleportation with 90% accuracy through the noisy environment. This is a new breakthrough. And it allows researchers to send information using quantum teleportation with 10% losses. 

That is the acceptable accuracy in quantum teleportation. Quantum teleportation is one of the most secure data transportation methods. And if quantum teleportation is possible in long distances that opens the path to a new and secured internet. Quantum teleportation is impossible to break without a trace. 

"Stages of noisy quantum teleportation. Credit: ZHAO-DI LIU et al." (ScitechDaily, Quantum Teleportation Just Got Real: Achieving 90% Fidelity Amidst Noise)

If somebody wants to steal information from quantum entanglement or quantum teleportation, that eavesdropper must transfer information to that person's own server. In that process, the antenna easily cuts entanglement. Or the energy level in the quantum entanglement turns down. Theoretically, it's possible to eavesdrop information that travels through the quantum entanglement. 

The system puts the benzene-ring-shaped Bose-Einstein condensate over the quantum entanglement, and then that system can steal information from the entanglement. But that requires knowledge of where the quantum entanglement is. And of course, the quantum system sends white noise or empty information through the quantum channels. 

And that's why this kind of thing is under research. The ability to transport information without decreasing and removing noise opens new visions for quantum communication. If the superpositioned and entangled particle pair can transport information in a coherent energy channel over a long distance, that is much. But if the quantum channel is not needed, that is much more. And this thing can make the next step to quantum computers and secure quantum communication.

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