Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Astronomers found the strange spike-like structures near a young star.

"The baby star at the center surrounded by a bright disk called a protostellar disk. Spikes of magnetic flux, gas, and dust in blue. Researchers found that the protostellar disk will expel magnetic flux, gas, and dust—much like a sneeze—during a star’s formation. Credit: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO)" (ScitchDaily, Quite Unexpected” – Astronomers Discover Strange Spike-Like Structures Extending From Protostellar Disk)

There is the possibility that those strange structures around the young star formed because the protoplanets form swirls in the interplanetary material disk when they form. Protoplanets are the mass centers in material disks. 

And while protoplanets start to rotate. Their gravity pulls the dust and gas around it into the first atmosphere. The rotating planet takes dust and gas with it. 

Maybe the strange-looking structures in the material disk are whirls that form when the protoplanet starts to rotate in the material disk. 

And that thing increases the whirl's size. First, when the planet forms there is quite a thick material cloud around it. But then the planet pulls gas and dust on it from around it. 

And that means more mature planets have not-so-thick gas and dust clouds around them. That decreases interactions between the protoplanet's atmosphere and the material disk around it. 

Maybe those protoplanets are behind this strange-looking effect.  When the large exoplanet forms. It leaves a hole in the material disk. That causes gravity anomaly in the disk. In the middle of that hole is the material center. And the thin gas is around it. When the material whirls separate from the protoplanet's rotation movement, there forms more whirls in its edge. 

That forms smaller protoplanets. Those small protoplanets are like a ring around the massive gravity center. And then those protoplanets start to collide with each other or some cosmic impact pushes some of them to independent trajectories. And maybe some large moons and asteroids formed in that way.

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