Monday, July 15, 2024

Researchers found new structures from the Higgs boson.

"Recent theoretical advancements have enhanced the understanding of the Higgs boson’s properties, focusing on its cross-section during gluon-gluon collisions. This research highlights the relevance of higher-order corrections and confirms the predictions of the Standard Model, with further investigations expected to clarify the potential for new physics." (ScitechDaily,Quantum Revelations: Unveiling New Layers of the Higgs Boson)

New research in CERN uncovers new structures in the Higgs boson. That research uncovers the reason, why the Higgs bosons are so different, and why they need so-high energy levels to separate.  The energy level in Higgs boson is enormous. And that means it exists for a short time. In new research, the origin of the Higgs boson is in the gluon interaction. 

In wild models, the Higgs boson can form when two gluons hit together. To turn that reaction into reality the gluons must travel through the atoms, and hit together. That thing opens new and interesting visions. The thing is that the Higgs boson might involve some other particles. But that is purely a theoretical model. 

"The Higgs boson (blue) may be created by the interaction of gluons (yellow) during proton collisions. Protons consist of two up quarks (red) and one down quark (purple), bound by gluons so strongly that in the sea of virtual particles (gray) more massive quarks and antiquarks, for example, beautiful quarks, may appear, the presence of which also affects on the birth process of the Higgs bosons. Credit: IFJ PAN" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Revelations: Unveiling New Layers of the Higgs Boson)

In theoretical models, the impact of two gluons forms a Higgs boson. If that thing is right, it would be the fundamental step for physics. That model can expand to other particles. And what happens if two quarks or quarks and gluon impact and melt together? 

There is a theoretical possibility that gluon can start to orbit the quark. And that thing can form "mini hydrogen". And maybe that thing can open the path, how quarks start to form protons and neutrons. 

The energy flowing out from the Higgs boson causes the situation that impacts quantum fields forming the new particles, that are enlisted in Wikipedia. The high-speed energy flow forms the Schwinger effect that creates the particle-antiparticle pairs. 

Higgs boson is the particle, that should be the same as physicist Peter Higgs predicted. But some researchers say that the Higgs boson, that  CERN researchers found was not the same as the particle, that Peter Higgs predicted. The argument was that the Higgs boson has too low energy level. 

Higgs boson offers a good object for researchers. The AI can measure the particle. And its energy levels very fast. That means there is a possibility. That there are lots of elementary particles waiting for somebody to find them. 

But those new particles require lots more energy than a LHC accelerator can create things like antimatter-material detonations around the accelerator ring can increase the energy level so high. The particle accelerator can shoot the new particles out from the proton or some other particle. 

When high energy particles impact, that thing causes expansion in their quantum fields. That expansion causes the expansion of the particles, and then the researchers must just follow the routes that the particle cloud follows.

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