Thursday, August 29, 2024

Are you ready for biohybrid robots?

Biohybrid robots combine living organisms and microchips. Those robots can use insect as robots and microchips to control them.  Some biohybrid robots are bacteria or amoebas that microchips control. That gives those things abilities, been impossible short before this day. The next-generation biohybrid robots can be dogs and other higher animals that neural link-type microchips control them. That thing is one of the most interesting and frightening things in those robots that might be more advanced than we even expect. 

The microchips can connect living insects into one cloud-based computer system. It is theoretically possible to create an insect swarm, that is as intelligent as humans. And that makes those controlled insects more powerful than ever before. Along with genetic engineering biohybrid robots are tools that can revolutionize many things. The biohybrid system can have multiple layers. Things like living neurons that communicate with microchips are the intelligent tools, that can control the other biorobots.

"An artificial stingray "robot" made from rat heart muscle cells.Credit: Disease Biophysics Group / Harvard SEAS" (BigThink,Revolutionary biohybrid robots are coming. Are we prepared?)

The most exciting version of biohybrid robots is the spacecraft and aircraft that use the brain-computer interface (BCI) that allows operators to communicate with a central computer. The system can be based on Elon Musk's Neuralink, but maybe that system doesn't require surgical operations. 

The ultimate biohybrid robot is the brain-computer interface operating aircraft or spacecraft. The neural link-type electrode that can be on the point where Broca and Wernicke's areas allow the limitless two-way communication between the central computer and pilot's brains. The pilot can use the VR-based multiverse system or the computer can exchange data with an entire brain shell. That thing allows a new type of interaction between the crew and the computer. 

In some visions, the futuristic spacecraft travels in the solar system. The crew is put into long-term anesthesia and controlled hypothermia. The idea is that those people are alive, and they are not frozen using liquid nitrogen. However, their biological processes are slowed to a minimum level. And in that case, the brains will interact with computers and solve problems that the mission brings to it. 

In that vision, the crew members have the button precisely at the right point in their head. Today researchers are working with a button that doesn't require a surgical operation, but what acts like Elon Musk's Neuralink. If that kind of BCI system is possible, that will revolutionize computer-human interaction.

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