When we discuss things like some particles immortal, we face a thing called time dilation. When the particle's speed rises high enough, or the particle is in a strong gravity field. It slows its aging. A strong gravity field just causes the curvature in spacetime. And that curvature forms a pothole that packs quantum fields around the gravity center. This thing raises the energy level in the particle's environment. And that will slow the quantum vaporization.
So to turn immortal, the particle must create energy stability. That means energy that a particle must get so much energy from its environment as it releases. The only known particle that reaches the thing condition is the photon. Other particles cannot reach the speed of light, because there is something, that has a connection with mass, that makes energy flow out from the particle.
In some models, the particle cannot reach the speed of light, because energy travels into it from a quantum field, or, a Higgs field cannot fill the particle. If the energy cannot fill the particle, that forms reflecting waves in the particles.
Those extremely small quantum waves harness energy from quantum fields that impact the particle. Then, those strings act like radio antennas that send energy to the particle's shell. That energy pushes the particle's shell out. When a particle travels in the cone that acts like a sonic barrier energy travels into the particle. Then energy travels out from the particle from the back of it.
When a particle travels faster, more energy travels in it. But otherwise, the quantum shadow behind the particle turns deeper. And the strings inside it press quantum fields away from the shell. So, sooner or later particles separate from the quantum field. And that denies the acceleration.
But then we can ask: why particles can turn into black holes? The escaping velocity or gravity field strength acts similar way as the speed. The reason why standing particles or objects can turn into black holes is "simple". When things like supernova explosions happen that thing forms an energy field that presses particles (or objects) from all directions. In that case, the surrounding energy field doesn't form a quantum shadow on any side of the object. When an energy field presses particles from all directions it doesn't let energy flow out from it. That press particle is so small, that quantum fields don't fill the space that is around the object.
In some models, there is so-called electromagnetic low-pressure in particles. That thing forms the onion- or whisk-looking structure around it. In black holes, there is a singularity or structure that is a so-called slight ball. Quantum fields that surround this point can also be an electromagnetic vacuum, the absolute void their outcoming quantum fields form a slight and tight layer. That means radiation turns so tight that it looks solid ball.
The outside quantum fields can try to squeeze that particle or object into a heap. The outcoming quantum fields are wave movements that transport all four fundamental forces. The length as well as height determine the energy level, of energy that the wave transports. High waves transfer energy fast to objects. Long waves transmit energy slower to objects. The energy travels always in some direction.
Energy travels out from a particle if the energy level of the particle is higher than the environment. Energy travels into particles when the environment is at a higher energy level than a particle. Every particle sends energy with a wavelength that is the same as its diameter.
So, when a black hole forms energy presses particles into a size, whose diameter is the same as the wavelength of gravity waves. In models gravity wave or graviton is like energy pothole in the Higgs field.
Behind all waves is the higher area that pushes the wave forward. The ditch that forms at the front of the wave also pulls it forward. The thing. What makes gravity waves is that the energy pothole or energy ditch that pulls the wave forward is far deeper than the following wave that pushes the energy hill or wave forward.
When that deep energy ditch or low energy level area impacts the incoming waves those energy ditches pull energy out from the waves. Always when the energy ditch faces the wave it pulls the wave lower. That means this: if some object sends those energy valleys often enough. That pulls incoming waves straight. So the energy that comes to an object is lost in those energy potholes.
If we think of the curvature of the universe. In the point of black holes that pothole is extremely deep. The energy cannot fill that pothole fast. The black hole is like a pillar in the spacetime. The outcoming energy keeps it in form. Without that energy surrounding that pothole falls. Even if standing waves form in that pothole, those waves have no force to press the structure away. The black hole is like the curving cone, that looks a little bit like the bell or trumpet. The cone is not straight. It turns smaller and deeper near the gravity center.
The lifetime of the black hole depends on the energy level around it. If that energy level is not high enough, that energy cannot support the pillar. Another thing that determines the lifetime of the black hole is its mass. In low-mass black holes, the pillar is so short. The black hole grows as long as it gets more energy from the material and wave movement around it. But sooner or later the universe's expansion causes the effect, that energy transfer into black holes turns opposite. So, energy starts to travel out from black holes.
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