Wednesday, September 4, 2024

String theory and virtual black holes.

String theory is not the same as dark matter and dark energy. String theory is the hypothetical model where tiny strings form matter. And every particle is like a yarn ball. The strings that form material are thin parts of wave movement and they are the structure between material and energy or wave movement. Dark energy, dark matter, and things, like cosmic inflation are connected with string theory. 

Cosmic inflation means that the size of the space increases in comparison with the material. Cosmic inflation means that material turns back into energy or wave movement. String (or superstring) theory tries to model how energy turns into material. In this model, the material is only one form of energy. In this text, superstring means the same as string. 

The idea is that the quantum vacuum or quantum flow in the superstrings forms the electromagnetic or quantum low pressure. And that thing is the gravity. The dark energy could be the virtual gravity phenomenon. That forms when energy travels in those superstrings. When gravity pulls particles through the point, there is "nothing" that gives extra energy to it.

Or maybe dark energy is energy that travels in those strings that form a quantum wormhole. When energy travels in that structure. That thing forms the maser effect where the power of the wave movement increases. When energy comes out of the superstring as a quantum-sized white hole. That thing can make the dark energy. The idea is that if quantum-size black holes are possible the theoretical white holes or the points where material comes out from the Einstein-Rose bridge can be the quantum-size. 

The acceleration in the universe's expansion can be explained that because the universe expands quantum fields around the particles turn weaker. And then the energy flows from the particles to the space around them. That means that the particles turn lighter. And that decreases the gravity effect between them. 

Theoretically, the black hole's singularity material is pure superstrings. In the singularity, the superstrings melted into the super smooth and super slight structure. And that makes the black hole what it is. The energy must leave out from singularity symmetrically following a ball-shaped form. And then that radiation structure travels out from the black hole in the shape that is hard to break. 

The symmetrical ball impacts with outcoming quantum fields and then that structure freezes at the point where escaping velocity reaches the speed of light. The energy level determines the width of the superstrings. In some models, the wormholes or Einstein-Rose bridges are the helical superstrings. If that kind of helical superstring travels through the event horizon, it can pull energy out of the black hole. 

But that requires the possibility. That the event horizon cannot close that superstring. So we can say that twisted wormholes form material. The idea is that all superstrings are hollow. In some models, the origin of dark energy is in the superstrings. The maser emission increases the energy level in energy that travels in the superstring. 

When the energy level outside the particle decreases that pulls some of the superstrings out. And those superstrings act like antennae. The energy asymmetry forms the structure that allows energy to rise out from it more easily than if the structure is like a smooth ball. The ball shape energy field must allow outgoing energy travel in it. Or the energy vacuum behind it pulls it back. 

So if we think about why normal particles and objects are visible, we can think that they are "hairy". Those things are not forming a homogenous field around them. But what if Earth would be an absolutely smooth object? 

We say that reflection forms when a particle takes energy into its quantum fields. And then the quantum field sends photons we are not sharp enough to describe that thing. The energy must make a wave into the quantum field and then that wave forms the photon. That makes objects visible. It's possible that if the object is absolutely smooth it forms another quantum field in the impact point. There is also the energy low-level area behind and between those fields. 

Then that thing can cause a situation where a photon starts to jump between those fields like a ping-pong ball. If those fields form the structure where photons can transport their energy to those fields. And that can make the virtual black hole in the point of the particle. 

In some models, the singularity is so slight object. That there is a quantum vacuum around it. The energy vacuum forms because outcoming radiation cannot fill it. And that makes the situation where energy travels over the singularity. The energy. That comes out from the singularity forms standing waves around the singularity. 

The thing, that makes objects visible is that the radiation travels into an object and then jumps out from it. The small holes in normal material make it possible that there are holes. Also in the quantum fields. The energy falls into those potholes and starts to travel horizontally. But what if the object and its quantum fields are absolutely smooth? 

If the outcoming energy cannot press a pothole into that energy field. And then the energy can bite itself into the field. The energy must make a wave into the particle's energy field and then that wave sends photons. There is a possibility that the standing wave just transports energy away from the object.

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