Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The new plasma systems are useful for many tools.

"A structured beam of electron beamlets (modulated group of white spheres) passes through a metallic foil from bottom to top creating coherent optical transition radiation (COTR). This radiation encodes unique beam structure information at each wavelength, as depicted by the different red, yellow, and blue radiation patterns. Credit: HZDR / Blaurock" (ScitechDaily)

The new plasma systems are useful for researchers, but they can also operate in machinery and space systems. Plasma cutters have been used for a long time in the metal industry. But, laser-accelerated plasma is a new and excellent tool. The system can use both plasma and lasers, but it can also use only lasers in the cutting process. 

The new laser-plasma accelerator can revolutionize research. But it can also make many other things. Plasma accelerators can also make it possible to create material cutters that can cut different materials than just metal. The plasma accelerators that can cut granite are useful tools for welding silicon base materials. Those systems can make new manufacturing machines possible. 

The plasma rocket is a useful tool for interplanetary missions. And, plasma shield can protect spacecraft against incoming microasteroids. 

Laser-accelerating plasma systems can be used in space rocket engines. In those systems, the engine is a "T"-looking structure where laser rays form plasma and the third laser drives them out from the nozzle. The high-power plasma engines can operate with higher thrust than the regular ion engines. The plasma ion engines and laser-accelerated plasma engines are the tools that can make it possible to create systems that operate in solar systems and nuclear-powered probes that can someday research the Kuiper belt and outer solar system. 

The spacecraft's shell will filled with tubes there the system creates plasma. Then that system can protect the plasma protector that protects the craft against suddenly coming impacting particles. The system can shoot high-energy plasma around the craft. And if some particle travels in that field the plasma impact destroys it immediately. That kind of system gives it excellent maneuverability. 

When we think about the human dream to travel to Mars and beyond that kind of spacecraft requires a magnetic shield that protects it against cosmic radiation particles. The magnetic shield can look like Earth's magnetic field and its mission is to drive electric particles from the sun away from the craft. And that kind of system is useful against the small particles. The thing is that if the spacecraft uses the plasma shield it looks like shining. 

However, the magnetic shields are not enough against the micrometeorites or microasteroids. The plasma shield can burn the incoming micrometeorites into ashes. In some ideas, the system can also use iron dust to increase its power. Those small particles that travel in the magnetic shield destroy the small ice and stone bites. 


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