Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Researchers found a miniature black hole.

"Astronomers using Gaia data have just found a low-mass black hole orbiting a companion star. Credit: WANG Song" (Astronomy.com, Astronomers find a mini black hole)

Today the minimum mass of the black hole is about 2,2 times of the sun. But if the lighter object orbits a high-energy object that energy can transform almost any object in the universe into a black hole. 

"Astronomers have discovered a lightweight black hole that’s a bit of a cosmic conundrum. Hypothetically, black hole masses can range all the way from far less than a paperclip to at least tens of billions of times more than the Sun. But observations have revealed a strange scarcity of black holes between about two and five times the Sun’s mass. Right now, it’s unclear whether these mini black holes are just hard to detect or actually as rare as they seem to be." (Astronomy.com, Astronomers find a mini black hole)

"The newfound black hole could offer clues. It falls right in the middle of the gap, weighing in at about 3.6 solar masses. A team of scientists found it thanks to a bloated companion, a red giant star located about 5,800 light-years from Earth. Though the star is only about 2.7 times as massive as the Sun, it’s around 13 times larger and 100 times brighter. " (Astronomy.com, Astronomers find a mini black hole)

It's possible. That all low-mass black holes are not stable. That means they can vaporize very fast. And that can cause an effect that looks like a supernova, that comes from nowhere. 

Theoretically, a black hole's mass can be anything from an electron to the tens of billions of suns. That theory is almost proven. There are supermassive- medium-mass and stellar-mass black holes.  But the miniature-, or-low mass, and planet mass black holes are missing. The miniature black hole supports the black hole theory. 

Things, like low-mass black holes make things like superstring theory more suitable. In some models, elementary particles are whisk-shaped structures that superstrings are forming. And in some versions of that theory, those superstrings are a series of quantum-size black holes. Those quantum-size black holes are like pearls in necklaces. That thing explains the power of the annihilation reaction. 

The mini black hole is also introduced behind the mysterious gravity effect in our solar system. That makes some researchers believe that there is still an unknown planet lurking in the Kuiper belt. It's possible. Earth-size planets can turn into black holes if they travel through the black hole's relativistic jet. That thing can form the symmetrical energy impulse that presses the planet into the black hole. 

Another suspected place for the black hole is the star system of Epsilon Indi. That star travels very fast around the universe, and it is also a bright X-ray object. That thing makes some people believe, that there is some, maybe a grapefruit-size black hole near that star. 


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