Sunday, October 6, 2024

What makes it so hard to calculate the universe's temperature in the Big Bang?

The Big Bang event released radiation or wave movement. Then, the Schwinger effect also called wave-particle duality created particles. Those primordial particles were not similar to the particles that we know. Some part of the energy that the Big Bang released turned into particles, and in the young universe energy levels were higher, but differences between energy levels were smaller. 

That means that in the young universe, where the energy level was higher conditions were more stable than in the modern universe. The expansion of the universe formed a situation where the internal entropy of the universe began. We can think that radiation or wave movement is like strings. 

When the universe expanded there formed space between those strings. That made those strings wave. This thing formed the Schwinger effect, where particle-antiparticle pairs formed. Then those particles impact causing huge annihilation. And this is one of the problems of cosmology. There was some kind of asymmetry in the particle formation. In some models, some of those particle pairs flew too far from each other. Or particles formed at the most out border of the young universe, some of those antiparticles could fly away from the universe. 

The question of the Big Bang is this: can we only see the last moment of that event? It's possible. The first particles were born when the light that we can see formed. And the event that we call the Big Bang was the great annihilation. That forms the model that the light that we see is "dirty". The original photons that the Big Bang formed left out of the universe. And we see only photons that formed when the first particle-antiparticle pairs annihilated. 

Researchers search the primordial black holes to confirm the theory of the Kugelblitz black holes. The problem with those black holes is that they must form before the universe cooled enough. In a very young universe energy travels in only one direction. In the modern universe, there are multiple energy sources. That breaks the structure that forms the Kugelblitz black hole. 

The black holes don't form gravity or other energy forms. It just aims energy and turns it into another form. In some models black holes transform all energy into the gravity waves. The relativistic jets are like thermal pumps that move energy in their direction.  When some objects are near the event horizon, time starts to dilate in them. 

The big question was the first black holes form before or after material? In the Kugelblitz model light or extremely high-energy photons can make the black hole.  This type of black hole is not possible in the modern universe. The entropy destroys the structure. The idea of the Kugelblitz black holes is that the high-energy photons can make a whirl. 

And there is a lower energy point in the energy field. That causes a situation in which energy around the low energy point, or energy pothole pulls energy inside it. That thing forms an energy pike and the reflecting waves make the lower energy area around the energy pike. In some models, there is a small bubble in that pike. That bubble focuses energy on one point. It's so small that wave movement cannot fill it. 

That thing makes the low-energy structure in the high-energy pike. And that structure collects energy into one point. Then that pike starts to move energy fields in one direction. That means the energy beam or energy pike acts like a thermal pump that moves energy fields in one direction. 

These models tell that a large number of materials and turned into materials and black holes. The formation speed of the material was not stable all the time. That means the free energy level in the universe does not behave like a straight curve. The energy mass in the universe is the same, but its size expands. 

Also, photons that formed in the Big Bang are left from the universe. That means some part of the energy that the Big Bang released travels ahead of the material. 

We cannot see photon that travels away from us. So, dark energy is not the only energy form that we cannot see. That means there are lots of parts of energy that we cannot see. That energy would be visible if we were not behind it. We see that energy if it impacts somewhere and causes reflection.

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