Saturday, November 30, 2024

New supercomputers made wider simulations of the universe than ever before.

"DESI’s recent analysis confirms gravity’s standard model and hints at dynamic dark energy, reshaping our cosmic understanding. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Dark Energy May Be Evolving, Transforming Our View of the Universe)

The new supercomputers can connect data from multiple sources. And they made a more comprehensive simulation of the universe than before. Those simulations offer a theoretical model that researchers can compare to observations that they made using their finest systems. The fact is that there are also missing things about the universe. 

Things like dark energy and dark matter are important for those models because they are dominant effects in the universe. And without a dominating effect, all models of the systems are not well. 

The thing is that sometimes researchers say that even small missing bites of the system make it impossible to make models of it. But what if we miss 95,1% of the system? Can we make any trusted models about the system using that data? The thing is that the supercomputers process information that exists.  And those systems can make models. About the interactions of the forces in the system. 

"The largest astrophysical simulation of the universe was achieved using the Frontier supercomputer, involving enhanced computational power to simulate both atomic and dark matter comprehensively. Credit:" (Scitechdaily, Frontier Supercomputer Unveils the Largest Universe Simulation Ever)

Einstein was right. There was no different type of gravity in the young universe. The thing that makes errors in calculations and observations is normally the energy level in the young universe was higher than in the modern universe. That thing causes a stronger repel effect than energy causes in the modern universe. The relationships between dark and visible energy were different. 

The energy effect of visible energy was higher in the young universe. The effect of dark energy was lower if we compare it to visible energy. There was a time in the young universe when visible and dark energy interactions had the same strength. When the expansion of the universe continued. The distance between the objects increased. And that made the visible energy interactions weaker. 

Dark energy may evolve. But nobody knows why. Does the dark energy change its form when the effect of visible energy turns weaker? 

When we think about energy like electromagnetism we often forget that electromagnetic radiation makes standing waves between objects. Those standing waves cause asymmetry in energy flow because the dominant or brighter object pushes that energy back. 

"An animated look at how spacetime responds as a mass moves through it helps showcase exactly how, qualitatively, it isn’t merely a sheet of fabric. Instead all of 3D space itself gets curved by the presence and properties of the matter and energy within the Universe. Multiple masses in orbit around one another will cause the emission of gravitational waves." (Big Think, What happens when a gravitational wave meets a black hole?)

"When a gravitational wave passes through a location in space, it causes an expansion and a compression at alternate times in alternate directions, causing laser arm-lengths to change in mutually perpendicular orientations. Exploiting this physical change is how we developed successful gravitational wave detectors such as LIGO and Virgo. However, unlike this illustration, the gravitational waves do not simply propagate in a "tube," but rather spread out through all of three-dimensional space." (Big Think, What happens when a gravitational wave meets a black hole?)

The other thing is gravity is also an interaction. There are also other objects in the universe than black holes. And also other objects than black holes pull fields and objects to it. The fact is that if two particles fall to a black hole those particles can impact each other before they fall through the event horizon. That means that. Even if black holes have dominating gravitational effects. Also, other particles around them have their own gravity fields. 

So if we want to use potholes to model those things we can draw black holes as big and deep potholes that other potholes orbit. But. There are also many other gravity points. That interacts with black holes. Another interesting thing is the situation where a black hole pulls gravity waves into it. That causes oscillation in the black holes. 

Another thing is that when the gravity center moves in the gravity field that thing causes a situation in the Higgs field or quantum field around it turned denser. That means the Higgs field goes somewhere. The particles spin. And that spin means. The particles transform some part of the field into kinetic energy. In the same way, a black hole's spin transforms energy that falls into the back hole into the kinetic form. 

But then we must ask, where black hole pull that energy? When a black hole or any other object spins it turns energy around it to the kinetic form. When an object rotates friction turns that energy into thermal energy. But what if there is no friction? 

Or what if an object can tie all energy that it gets into it? That means that the object's spin turns faster and faster until it releases its energy. So can the ball spin forever? The ball can spin forever if it gets more energy than it releases. The thing is that the spinning ball creates thermal energy. 

And only a small part of that energy travels in the ball. The thing. That makes the situation more complicated and denies the perpetual motion that the heat also travels out from the ball. The energy asymmetry in energy flow causes energy to travel out from the ball. 

The IR radiation that we call thermal energy or thermal radiation makes the standing wave that hovers a little bit above the ball. That standing wave makes a small vacuum around that ball. The standing wave causes the energy not to impact the ball. The same heat energy that can accelerate will slow the speed of the ball. 

The thing that spinning ball could conduct thermal energy into it and turn the energy asymmetry that way that it gets more energy than delivers and can turn it into the fundamental thing. But if it cannot release that energy, the ball turns into a black hole. The energy rises the mass of the object. That means. If the object gets enough energy, it becomes a black hole.

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