When researchers put two elementary particles into superposition and entanglement. Researchers just make them oscillate synchronously. Information travels from the higher-energy particle to the lower-energy particle. And when a particle's energy levels are the same that forms a standing wave between them.
That destroys the quantum entanglement. The requirement for quantum entanglement and superposition is that those particles are identical. The superposition is possible between two photons. But it's not possible between photon and electron. Superposition between simple systems like two photons is an everyday operation. Complex systems mean systems like baryons. There is more than one particle and that makes it hard to control.
The superposition between complex systems like protons can happen by putting their down-quarks into superposition. And then the energy and information will flow between those two systems. The proton is the system. There are two up and one down quarks.
And if the superposition is made between down quarks, that makes information possible to escalate to those up quarks through the proton's quantum field. It is also possible to put the two down quarks into superposition. And that makes it possible to create a quantum processor that is smaller than an atom.
When the system starts to make the superposition it aims electromagnetic or acoustic waves to the transmitting side. First, the system drives information to the transmitting side. That system puts the receiving part in the opposite position. The system aims a laser beam at the transmitting particle. And laser beam forms a quantum shadow between those particles. That thing makes information travel between those particles. That system can be two frames where there is a trapped photon. The frame inputs data to the photon. Laser puts those photons in a superposition between receiving photons.
But can information travel in superposition faster than light? The answer is yes and no. When the system makes the superposition it just makes a quantum tunnel between those particles. The tunnel forms when the laser beam starts to make the superposition. Information can travel faster than usual in that quantum tunnel. But the photon is always the fastest particle. In that quantum tunnel or quantum shadow photons can travel faster than outside that tunnel.
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