Sunday, December 1, 2024

Coriolis force and black hole: can Coriolis force form a whirl in a black hole's gravity field?

Things behind black hole's event horizon are an interesting thing. When we think about gravitational interactions and black holes. We often forget the Coriolis force. The Coriolis force is the thing that makes air statues spin and form a tropical storm. The Coriolis force exists in all spinning structures. 

The extremely dense and heavy objects may have a so strong Coriolis force that they can turn electromagnetic fields and gravity into a whirl. Those whirls require an extremely strong Coriolis force. But it's possible that neutron stars and black holes can have the force to make the gravitational whirl. The electromagnetic and gravitational fields are around the black hole. 

Like the atmosphere is on Earth. There are movements in those fields. Those movements are like quantum winds. The Coriolis force interacts with other fields through the gravity field, and that means it could be possible that there is a so-called quantum tunnel through the black hole's event horizon. The Coriolis force could be an important factor in the black hole's complex world. Or maybe not. The black hole is the most extreme thing in the universe. It's the most dense and the most powerful object that we know. 

In some models, the Coriolis force makes the static whirl that is at the same point over the event horizon. That thing can create a situation where there is no quantum field against some point of the event horizon. 

The black hole is the object with the most powerful gravitational field that we ever seen. That monster forms when a supernova explosion blows the most out shells of the star away. That thing forms a quantum bubble. That is the vacuum in the universe. That vacuum pulls the material back into the center of the explosion. That thing pushes material and the quantum fields into one entirety called a singularity. 

During that process, the gravity field grows stronger. The object in the middle of supernova remnants starts to spin. Then it's possible. At some moment of that process, the fast-spinning object separates from the quantum field. That means the quantum field jumps off the shell of the forming black hole. 

"In the inertial frame of reference (upper part of the picture), the black ball moves in a straight line. However, the observer (red dot) who is standing in the rotating/non-inertial frame of reference (lower part of the picture) sees the object as following a curved path due to the Coriolis and centrifugal forces present in this frame." (Wikipedia, Coriolis force) 

If that is possible the relativistic jet comes from the equatorial area of the black hole. And a black hole lying in its acceleration disk. That means the acceleration disk travels through the poles of the black hole. 

And maybe some material falls faster than the quantum field around a black hole falls. Maybe there is fusion around the forming singularity. And that thing kicks quantum fields away from the event horizon. That forms a quantum vacuum around that spinning singularity. That allows the object to spin faster than light travels around it. That thing makes the situation that the object pulls or binds into itself lots of quantum energy from around it. 

That means that. Maybe the gravitational radiation or gravitational waves are similar to Cherenkov radiation. Cherenkov radiation is the blue light flash that forms when a Neutron that comes from a nuclear reactor travels a short moment faster than light. That is possible because a neutron's speed is higher than the speed of light in water. 

But it's not higher than the speed of light in a vacuum. There is no vacuum in the regular universe. If there is a quantum bubble that minimizes the scattering effect. That forms conditions. That light can travel faster than usual. 

That causes an idea that could be possible in the black hole simulation. Or maybe even form a black hole by putting particle spin in the bubble. Then. That system breaks the bubble. In some theoretical models, the acoustic system makes a small vacuum chamber hover in water. 

The difference between this case. And. In the case where neutrons hit the water, the energy effect around the particle is effecting symmetrically. In the case of neutrons, the energy travels through particles asymmetrically. The electromagnetic shadow and vacuum behind the particle pull energy out of it. 

In the case of spinning particles the electromagnetic shadow is different. That forms in the structures on the particles layer. That makes it possible that their energy travels into the particle faster than it travels out from it. 

That means. It's possible that extremely fast spin. That happens in the cosmic void and then the void collapses can cause a situation in which the particle turns into a black hole. The idea is that. The extremely fast interacting field allows the spinning particle to get so much energy that it turns into a black hole. 

Then there the extremely heavy ion starts to spin so fast that the magnetic system can spin it. Then the system makes water fall in the chamber. And. Allows particles to spin a short moment faster than light travels in water. Maybe that thing doesn't form a black hole. But it's an interesting thing.

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