Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Can the dark energy form because of time dilation? And does the universe's form follow the Mandelbrot fractal (or Mandelbrot set)?

"New research suggests dark energy might not be real, proposing instead that the Universe’s apparent acceleration is due to its patchy structure. Upcoming observations from space missions could prove pivotal in validating this “timescape” model. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Dark Energy May Be an Illusion: Scientists Uncover a “Lumpy” Universe)

The lumpy universe can explain why we cannot see dark energy. Dark energy is some virtual effect that forms because the structure of the universe is not homogeneous. In the new model, the reason for the dark energy illusion could be time dilation. This model where the different speed of time is the reason for the dark energy is called "timescape". 

The idea is that time travels in galaxies 32% slower than in cosmic voids. And the gravity anomaly or pothole in mass centers means. There are also micro-level differences in the speed of time. 

That thing causes an effect that we call dark energy. Or this is how the new theory goes. 

If we think that time is like river flow. The term time dilation means. That the galaxy comes behind the cosmic void. So we can think that the future is the roof and the past is the floor in spacetime. Energy always travels out from the higher energy area. So we can say that energy is like a pillar and the galaxy transfers energy to the universe from the past. Then that pillar which can be the black hole transports energy from the past to the future. And that can explain dark energy. 

There is a new model in the universe structures. That model tells us that the universe is fractal. Or it follows the fractal geometry shape. That kind of fractal means that the universe can form another universe or static information structure around it or inside it. The static information structure called antiuniverse is one of the most fascinating things in the model of all theories. Another name for this model is the parallel universe theory. 

The model goes like this. Information travels between the universe. And it's antiuniverse in one direction. The universe- and antiuniverse are like superposition and quantum entanglement. The information travels to the lower energy participant until energy levels reach the same level. That breaks the quantum entanglement. 

Above: The Mandelbrot set within a continuously colored environment. (Wikipedia, Mandelbrot Set)

Mandelbrot fractal and entropy in the universe. 

Some people think that the universe follows the Mandelbrot fractal model. The Mandelbrot model means that also dimensions can hide deep inside the other dimensions. The Mandelbrot fractal, or Manderbrot set can also explain the growing entropy in all systems. 

That means there are always whirls and "hairs". In every system. We can call those things entropy disorder or chaos. When we look at the Mandelbrot fractal more carefully, we see that there are always repeating forms. And if we want to make channels through the universe we must "just" put whirls overlapping each other. And that is quite a difficult process. 

Every system has entropy. That grows into larger parts. That entropy destroys the structure.  But if we think that the Mandelbrot- or some other fractal. That can make it possible to predict and control that entropy. 

Above: Zooming into the boundary of the Mandelbrot set. (Wikipedia, Mandelbrot set) 

The antiuniverse means that time travels in opposite directions in that strange and invisible world. The thing that makes this thing invisible is that information travels in one direction. When we think about the Brane theory and theory of the 11 dimensions. We must realize that energy level determines the dimension. 

If we return back to the black holes and the room of dimensions where the energy bottom and energy top form the roof and floor of the room or observable spacetime. The room is the limit between the energy levels of particles so that they can exchange information. The black hole is like a pillar through that room. 

When particle accelerators accelerate particles fast enough. They start to form noses to those particles. Same way particles form noses when their energy level rises. And that nose will form a channel between dimensions.

When we think about black holes and their interactions they are like whirls. Those whirls create a screw-like structure that injects energy into particles and radiation. 

"This graphic offers a glimpse of the history of the Universe, as we currently understand it. The cosmos began expanding with the Big Bang but then around 10 billion years later it strangely began to accelerate thanks to a theoretical phenomenon termed dark energy. Credit: NASA" (ScitechDaily, Dark Energy May Be an Illusion: Scientists Uncover a “Lumpy” Universe)

If the difference between energy levels in those two particles is too long that cuts the information channel between those two particles. And denies their ability to exchange information. Or, energy can travel only to lower energy particles near them. 

Normally. Time travels only in one direction. The reason for that is this. 

The future is at a lower energy level than the past. This is why we cannot see the future. 

The black hole travels far in the future. For making information travel to the past the black hole must make a standing light wave around it. Then another light wave must be on the edge of the black hole's pothole. The superposition allows information to come from the future to the past. 

If the material energy level rises too high that means it jumps out from the third dimension. The problem is that the lower dimension always surrounds the higher dimension. 

The higher dimension can transmit information between it and the lower dimension. Only in one direction. The energy can travel to the lower dimension. But why cannot we see that thing? 

There is the possibility that energy forms the tight energy tornado, wormhole through the lower dimension. 

That means a wormhole can carry information past the dimension. Or the information that travels into the wormhole can bypass the dimension. 

So where the fourth and higher dimensions are? Those dimensions can exist in the rooms where we sit. They are so small that we cannot detect them. 

Or maybe they are in the black holes. It's possible. That the antiuniverse or metaverse exists in those black holes. The metaverse and parallel universe are interesting models.

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