Thursday, January 16, 2025

DNA-controlled technology can make new things that were impossible a short time ago.

"Reconfigurable DNA nanorobots that are working on the surface of synthetic cells. Credit: University of Stuttgart / 2nd Physics Institute" (ScitechDaily, DNA Nanorobots Unlock New Frontiers in Targeted Drug Delivery)

 DNA-controlled technology can make new things that were impossible a short time ago. 

The DNA can store lots of data. And that gives very small machines good self-operating capacity. New medical tools require very high accuracy. And DNA-based computing can be the answer to that. The DNA molecules can travel in the pressure tube. 

And that makes it possible to transport data in a safe mode. Over short distances. The system looks like the pressure tube post, that is seen in many shopping centers. But tubes are smaller and there are moving DNA packages. Outsiders cannot see data that is stored in the DNA packages that travel in those tubes. 

The DNA-controlled nanomachines can operate very independently. 

Nanobubbles and DNA-based nanomachines are the new tools for medicine. The nanomachine can create those bubbles and then ultrasound makes them oscillate. That makes the bubble create new bubbles. Nanobubbles can revolutionize medicals and antibiotics. But the problem is how to put those nanobubbles into cells and the right blood vessels. 

Nanobubbles can close blood vessels and destroy non-wanted cells. But that requires a very high accuracy. To transport those bubbles to the right point. The nanobubbles can also close chemical leaks. Or they can transport gas that can suppress gas to the right point. 

The problem with nanomachines is that they require microchips that are not possible to make. Or they require outside computers to control them. DNA-controlled machines can be the tool that makes many things possible. 

Genetically engineered bacteria can replace the damaged DNA from the cells using new and fresh DNA. DNA is the tool that can make almost everything in biology. It can be used to create artificial bacteria that can drive neurotransmitters in neurons. That can drive information to the neurons. That ability to control information stored in the DNA makes it possible to use that thing in learning and repairing brain damages. 

"New “epi-bits” technology could revolutionize how we store data, offering a method that is both high-density and cost-effective, using DNA to store vast amounts of information efficiently. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Storing Thousands of Terabytes in a Single Gram of DNA)

Researchers found the gate that controls decision-making. That means there is the possibility to control that gate. But that requires very accurate systems that control neurons with ultimate precision. That thing opens new roads to addiction and other treatments. However, the nanomachine must transport the gate controller into the right position. 

The DNA is a new tool that can control all-scale robots. And it can be as effective as a data storage transportation system. And it can replace quantum systems in short-distance data transportation. The DNA molecule can store thousands of terabytes in a gram of it. In DNA-based data transportation systems, the system can be like a pressure tube post. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) chamber-based system creates the DNA that should transport information. 

The receiver can read that information straight from the molecule. Or, the artificial DNA can control the cell that sends the electric signals or light flashes to sensors. The system sends the DNA or cell that it controls through the tube to the receiver. 

And that makes it possible to create compact and effective systems that can search for wanted cells from inside the human body. The independently operating nanomachines require new tools that can replace traditional microchips. DNA is a tool that can offer a good way to make many things. 

That was impossible for traditional systems. The DNA-based nanomachine- or genetically engineered cells can transmit neurotransmitters between neurons and those machines. And we can include genetically engineered bacteria in nanorobots. The ability to exchange information between neurons and DNA-controlled systems makes it possible to control those things using thoughts. 

The ability to use the DNA as data storage that can transport information is the thing, that allows to use of the DNA as the chemical computer. The DNA molecule can control cells to give electric impulses or bioluminescence light flashes and those things can transport information between the DNA and computer. DNA-based computing is a new idea.

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