Wednesday, January 29, 2025

The AI can improve our business. Or it can turn it into a total mess.

AI can improve our business in many ways. But AI requires training. It requires that people will get to know AI. If we think that the large language model, LLM is the same as humans we are wrong. The LLM might look like a human, but the AI requires well-made orders. If our orders are not well-made or too imprecise the AI will not be effective. We must also realize that AI doesn't think. 

And that means that the AI doesn't know what the data involves. It might search for information from the wrong sources. There must be parameters about the sources that the AI uses to qualify data. That can be the same information in two or three trusted sources, that are independent of each other.

But we must realize that the AI has limits. The AI is as good and trusted as its users and makers are. That is the problem with the AI. There is one component that we must realize. The AI requires trusted information to be trusted. Without that trusted information, AI is not a good tool. When we use AI to create things like texts, computer programs, and other things, we must give precise and well understandable commands. The AI is like some programmer. It needs orders to collect data. If those orders are not well made the AI doesn't know what to do.

If we want to use AI for things like programming we must not say make me a program.  The AI requires information about what programming language it must use, then it requires things like the database connections or path where the databases are. The AI can make things like SQL injectors that transport data to the database faster than any human programmers. 

But when we want to ask the AI something we must realize that the AI is good at things that are common. If there are lots of sources that the AI can use it's a good and effective tool. But if there is not so much data or the data is behind some kind of barriers the AI is not so trusted. The AI is a language model in the middle of algorithms. Every algorithm is a skill that the AI has. And when the AI learns something it connects new algorithms to it. 

How good is AI? Or how can it improve business? Well, the fact is this: AI is an ultimate tool only if it gets valuable information. This makes it similar to humans. AI is neutral it doesn't have feelings, and it makes many things faster. The lack of feelings means that nobody cheats on AI using touchy-feely stories. The AI will check things that it must check anyway. But the other thing is that: the AI makes decisions by following certain parameters. 

Those parameters mean that the AI has a certain order for making a selection by using certain norms. Those norms can be training, experience, and maybe skills. So how to prove those skills? That is the problem. We can claim that we know some kind of programming language even if we don't ever see it. Things like blogs where people introduce some skills are things that can tell if the person knows something. And the AI can make analyzes from those texts. 

But they can also be made by using some AI. AI is a tool that can make our lives better. Or it can turn our days into catastrophes. The AI can search data for us. It's very good for that thing. But it requires the right and confirmed data. And that is a very complicated thing. When AI searches for things like common data or universal data that are very well known and we can check that data that is the ultimate tool. 

But when we search for things that are not so well-known or are otherwise hard to check, that makes the AI less effective. The AI is the tool that requires information. And without information the AI is nothing. AI is a tool that can make many services more effective. But then the same tool can turn everything into a dystopia, that makes some Stasi or Gestapo look like a child's play. 

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