Thursday, January 30, 2025

The cosmic microwave background, CMB, is one of the most important discoveries in astronomy's history.

But first to gravity waves. The gravity waves are quite similar to synchrotron radiation. We can think that there is always. Some kind of energy field in the universe that keeps the particles in their form. That field forms the counter pressure that presses the particle in its form. 

When a particle that might be a whisk-shaped structure starts to rotate that structure pushes the field around it away. We can see that thing as a gravitational wave. The effect is similar to the case where we rotate some dough whisk under water. That thing sends wave movement but it's so weak that we cannot see it. 

When that whisk starts to rotate faster and faster. It makes growing potholes or bubbles in water. In the same way, we can think that a particle is like a whisk. It must rotate fast enough that it can turn to look solid. The gravitational pothole is the thing that forms when the particle rotates very fast. 

The reason is that the energy field around it has no time to fill that hole. That means that the particle or gravity center will not make gravity. It just aims at the field in some direction. 

In that model There forms a bubble in the field around the particle's spin axle. That pulls the field to the spin axle. That pulls particles into that center. 

When that structure rotates fast enough it pushes the field away more often and because those structures are very small the field that travels to fill that hole cannot fill it perfectly. 

The cosmic microwave background, CMB tells something about the universe's expansion. There are holes, or colder areas in the CMB. Which means the universe doesn't expand commonly. There are areas. That moves faster than others.  We can think that the CMB is like dough that the edge of the universe stretches. If we stretch dough there are holes in there. That means the CMB tells something about the universe's expansion. 

If we think that the visible universe is some kind of ball- or maybe an egg, or maybe a donut or torus-shaped structure there are galaxies and material at its shell. That can cause an effect on there material form inside that visible shape comes also to that shell. And that means there is the possibility that some particles or radiation hits galaxies faster than researchers think. In some visions the dark matter or cold dark matter CDM is outside the visible universe. 

That thing pulls objects away with gravity. And if there is no mass center or that hypothetical mass center is too far that means the material in the outer shell of the universe pulls objects to the shell of that bubble. The holes in the cosmic plasma make energy and material fall into them, and that can form single-atom fusion. That thing is possible if those atom's speed is high enough. That can make it possible for dark energy or some part of it to form in cosmic voids where radiation impacts like in vacuum bombs. 

So, could the dark energy form when the particles travel to galaxies from the inner structure of the universe? And there is a possibility that there is lots of dark matter outside the visible universe. If there is a similar plasma shell that heliosphere forms outside our solar system that means there is some kind of plasma source. The impact waves can form only if there is some kind of counter waves. 

The origin of the CMB might be in the Big Bang. That energy field resists and turns all wave movements shorter. One of the explanations for dark energy is particles or other radiation that travel in CMB. When a particle or wave interacts with CMB that pushes wave in that field. That means the origin of dark energy can be in some kind of interaction with CMB and some other field like the Higgs field. 

The gravity waves are waves. That seems to affect the CMB. So if we can remove CMB from some point, that means the CMB from another place will fall into that point.

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