"A close-up of a beam-splitter cube among the Harel Group’s laser instrumentation. Using short pulses of light, Harel can produce a molecular movie that captures the vibrational motion of a biological object based off its “sound.” Credit: Paul Henderson, Finn Gomez / College of Natural Science" (ScitechDaily, Can You Hear a Virus? Scientists Use Light To Listen to the Sounds of Life)
"New research at MSU uses light to reveal viruses’ unique vibrations, opening new doors for biological imaging and antiviral research." (ScitechDaily, Can You Hear a Virus? Scientists Use Light To Listen to the Sounds of Life)
Sound resonance can destroy viruses. But it can danger your life.
Viruses send sounds in their unique frequency. That means researchers can hear and observe that sound. The light makes the virus oscillate, and researchers can observe that oscillation. The thing that makes this oscillation interesting is this. If one of the viruses sends acoustic signals. That signal resonates with other similar viruses. This thing can make dangerous retroviruses like HIV viruses drop their surface antigens. And that makes them more vulnerable to antibodies.
The unique frequency that viruses send is due to their unique protein structures. In the same way, researchers can create certain proteins like HIV surface antigens or cancer cell surface antigens and then they can try to cut the antigen bonds in the viruses and cancer cells' outer shell antigens. The system could strip antigens out of the virus shells. Or it can break the structure of the viruses. In the same way, acoustic systems can find new weak points that make viruses and some cancer cells more vulnerable.
The acoustic waves can also destroy the DNA. The system can use certain bases. That forms the DNA double-helix structure. When some of those bases start to oscillate that can break the DNA. This kind of thing can destroy the DNA structure in bacteria. The acoustic systems are dangerous because they can cause oscillation that breaks bones and organic structures.
Very strong and rigid structures are vulnerable to acoustic resonance. This means those systems can damage things like microchips, grenade shells, and aircraft structures. Oscillation causes cracks in those structures. Oscillation pumps energy to those structures and if the structure cannot put that energy somewhere before it breaks the chemical bonds the oscillation destroys the structure. This makes the acoustic signals dangerous.
Aircraft noise can damage your health.
"Living near airports with high noise exposure could endanger heart health, according to a new study." (ScitechDaily, Aircraft Noise Linked to Serious Heart Problems, Study Finds)
"Residents living near major airports, exposed to high levels of aircraft noise, may face a significantly higher risk of serious heart conditions, reveals a UCL study." (ScitechDaily, Aircraft Noise Linked to Serious Heart Problems, Study Finds)
The aircraft turbine sends a loud monotonic sound. That kind of sound can be dangerous to health. Monotonic sound can make the low-pressure areas. To the opposite side of the blood cells. That thing causes a cavitation effect that forms microbubbles in the blood vessels.
The monotonic sound can cause a situation. There the sound waves start to create microbubbles when they travel over things like blood cells. Those microbubbles can make blocks into the blood vessels. That can increase the infarct risk. The microbubbles can explain why the aircraft engine noise can increase the infarct risk.
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