Saturday, March 8, 2025

Superconductivity and small-size quantum computer.

 "Scientists have uncovered a link between superconductivity and the fundamental constants of nature, showing that room-temperature superconductors could exist. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, The Holy Grail of Physics: Superconductivity Without the Cold)

The superconductivity is the tool that changes everything. But the problem is that this thing requires a very low temperature. Another way is to create a system where high pressure stabilizes atoms in superconducting. The Hall field. Or resistance will be lost. Those Hall fields are discontinuous in the wire. And electricity travels on the wire. Those discontinuities form standing waves. 

When electricity impacts the Hall field it must pack so much energy at the front of it that it can break that vertical field. In low temperatures, the quantum fields around the wire turn united. Because that field turns to the same entirety the electricity will not face resistance. The low temperature removes oscillation. 

The oscillation forms when energy travels back and forth between the atoms and the space between them. That thing increases entropy and entropy destroys information. Or entropy doesn't destroy information. It just mixes it into a form that we cannot read it. Or the computer cannot understand it. Theoretically in limited systems entropy cannot be unlimited. 

That means. By knowing the system the AI can recalculate or restore the information that travels through the wire and is mixed by entropy or disorder. The system must "just" calculate the original form of the information. So in that case the wire is virtually superconducted. But that is a very hard thing for computers. 

And the Hall field is the thing that mixes information. The superconducting means that the data can remain in the same form. That means the superconductor is a vital component in the quantum computer. The problem with table-size quantum computers is that the superconductor requires a high-power freezer. The thing that uses energy in the quantum system is the freezer. 

However, the superconductivity at room temperature is not ruled out. But miniaturized pressure chambers and compact-size cryogenic systems can make the small-size quantum computers possible. The small size can mean the system that fits in a van. Or maybe, the quantum computer can be the size of a dustbin. 

Theoretically is possible to create materials that are superconducting at room temperature. There is the possibility that the material will be in the miniaturized pressure chambers. And the electromagnetic coolers can decrease temperatures. The high pressure will raise the superconducting temperatures. 

The carbon rings that close the nanotechnical wire inside them can used as tools where the laser beams make the pressure. Those rings can be around a nanotechnical metal wire. The symmetrical laser beams can lock those atoms into the static position. If there is a pressure chamber in the cryogenic unit the temperature must not be so low as otherwise.

Friday, March 7, 2025

The robot as intelligent as humans can be closer than we dare to think.

Artificial muscles and synthetic organic intelligence can be tools that make it possible to create robots. More intelligent than humans. The artificial muscles are tools that mimic human body movements. Those muscles can be protein fibers that are made to mimic the muscles. Those fibers can change their length. When something like electric impulses impacts those fibers. 

Those systems are called "dry" solutions. The wet solution includes small bags, filled with electrolytes.  When electricity is conducted to electrodes that are at both ends of the bag,  electricity pulls electrolytes to that side of the structure. Another way is to use cloned muscle tissue and 3D printers to make that kind of muscle. 

When we think about computers and computer-controlled systems those artificial muscles require nutrients. Those muscles can be put on the metallic- or carbon fiber skeleton. There must be some kind of bone marrow. That makes blood to those artificial muscles. The brains for that kind of system can be computers. Or they can be so-called synthetic organic intelligence. Synthetic tissues require nutrients. 

Synthetic organic intelligence means the cloned neurons. These are 3D bioprinted things that can think like human brains. Researchers hacked the DNA that makes our brains unique. Then the system injects this special DNA into the mini-brains that are created for medical research. The system can grow those brains under the class domes where the system feeds those cells. 

Then the system can drive memories to those cells using the microchip and then the brain and its substitence will transfer to a robot body. That kind of robot can be our worst nightmare or our salvation. The robot that is more intelligent than humans was theory a couple of years ago. But bio- and genetic engineering and highly advanced AI-based computing are making those visions closer than ever before. 

The universe's giant structures can tell about dark matter and maybe uncover Axion's lifetime.

"Using advanced infrared spectroscopy, researchers set record-breaking limits on the lifetime of a dark matter candidate called the axionlike particle. Their findings refine our understanding of dark matter while hinting at possible anomalies that could bring us closer to discovery. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, The Universe Is Hiding Something Huge – And Scientists Are Closer Than Ever to Finding It)

The mystic web in the universe can be the key to dark matter and maybe to dark energy. Those very large structures in the universe could uncover dark matter's nature. In some models, dark matter forms extremely large strings whose diameter can be billions of light years. 

Dark matter does not exist at all points in the universe. And that thing can explain some part of dark energy. The axion, or hypothetical dark matter particle can send wave movement that makes it interact with other axions. 

Can Axion be the WIMP? Both of them are hypothetical particles. So, maybe we can think that the axion and WIMP are the same thing. But are those particles real or quasiparticles? Can the axion be a particle in superposition with a hole that is similar to an exciton? If that superposition is possible that means the particle can send its radiation to its hole and that can make the particle invisible. 

The axion can be WIMP, or WIMP can be an axionlike particle. So, we can write about axion and WIMP as the same particle until their existence is proved. And their real nature is uncovered. 

But axions (or axionlike particles). Weakly interacting massive particles WIMPs are so different than visible material that they cannot have other types of interactions. There is the possibility that the axion spins so fast that the radiation slides over it causing a situation where there is no reflection. The new observations tell about the theoretical limits of the axion or WIMP lifetime. Another thing is that those megastructures are interesting. 

They are things that put energy into moving in the universe. And maybe those things help open the dark matter mystery. If a dark matter particle exists and it turns radiation that particle sends radiation that affects other dark matter particles. 

"The quantum fluctuations inherent to space, stretched across the Universe during cosmic inflation, gave rise to the density fluctuations imprinted in the cosmic microwave background, which in turn gave rise to the stars, galaxies, and other large-scale structures in the Universe today. This is the best picture we have of how the entire Universe behaves, where inflation precedes and sets up the Big Bang. Unfortunately, we can only access the information contained inside our cosmic horizon, which is all part of the same fraction of one region where inflation ended some 13.8 billion years ago." (BigThink, Ask Ethan: Does the multiverse explain our fundamental constants?)

"This chart of particles and interactions details how the particles of the Standard Model interact according to the three fundamental forces that quantum field theory describes. When gravity is added into the mix, we obtain the observable Universe that we see, with the laws, parameters, and constants that we know of governing it. However, many of the parameters that nature obeys cannot be predicted by theory, they must be measured to be known, and those are “constants” that our Universe requires, to the best of our knowledge." (BigThink, Ask Ethan: Does the multiverse explain our fundamental constants?)

That can cause so-called dark energy interaction between those particles. If the WIMP that turns into energy can push other dark matter particles that thing can scatter the dark matter structures. And that decreases the dark matter gravitational effect. 

In some models the dark energy forms because there is some energy source outside the universe. This means that hypothetical radiation can form an electromagnetic shadow on the other side of the particle. That EM shadow makes energy travel in it. And that thing can cause a gravitational effect. The energy field that travels into the particles forms situations where particles store that energy. The universe's expansion and maybe the outside gravity effect can explain the universe's expansion acceleration. 

The particle releases that energy only if its energy level rises higher than the environment. Because the energy level around the particle is always lower the particle sends flashes that are stronger than it should. 

But that collective radiation model requires that there is another universe. Or some object that can send that radiation. Logically multiverse should exist. But getting evidence about that thing is very hard. 

The dark matter and dark energy are not closing each other away. If multiverse does not exist another good candidate for dark energy is the "vaporization" of dark matter. In some models, dark matter clouds outside the universe pull visible matter outward. That can explain the universe's expansions. And dark matter vaporization can explain some things like dark energy and why the universe expands faster than it should. 

When dark matter turns into radiation or wave movement, that thing decreases dark matter's gravitational effect. The thing that can push dark matter particles away from each other can be another dark matter particle. That sends radiation. When it transforms itself into energy. 

This model means that the other universes send so pervasive radiation that it travels through other particles. The idea is that this hypothetical radiation can push quarks in the protons and neutrons like rolls and travel between them. 

The problem is that the proton is more complicated than those three quarks. But it's possible that this kind of string-shaped radiation can travel between subatomic particles without causing reflection. That radiation string can travel over those particles and then the energy cannot travel to the particle. 

It can impact with quantum field. If there is little space between that energy string that energy can travel to that lower energy space. And then the thin energy field or superstring can push it back to the particle.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

How can researchers handle noise in quantum computers?

The biggest problem with quantum computers is noise. The quantum noise forms when the quantum system oscillates randomly. The random oscillation makes it impossible to control systems. That oscillation makes standing waves or non-controlled effects. 

When data travels in qubits, we can think that each state of the qubit is like a string with two positions 0, and 1. When a qubit transmits data it takes that data on it like yarn ball layers. The difference between yarn balls is that each layer is separated. Then it sends those layers to the receiver. 

Or if we think of the qubit as a ball that is like a planet we can think dayside as 1 and night side as 0. Or if we think of the qubit as a ball that is like a planet we can think dayside as 1 and night side as 0. The problem is: how to make that ball turn in the right positions at the right moment. 

 There are billions of ways to make the qubits. Or if there are energy valleys and energy hills on the particles. The energy valleys can be 0 and hills 1. The are billions of ways to make the qubit. 

In some texts, the quantum computer is described as a voltage meter. Certain voltage level gives value 1 and below that level is 0. The decibel meter or photocells can also act as measurement tools for qubits. 

The acoustic qubit can mean that the ultrasound gives a value that is 1 and the infrasound is 0. In the decibel meter, a certain sound level is 1, and below a certain sound level, the value is 0. 

This thing is like a C-cassette but it's much smaller. So the quantum computer looks a little bit like a spinning machine. The spools are photons. And the yarns are electromagnetic strings. The steel or iron wires can theoretically act as a qubit, but it requires the oscillation to be under control and this is the problem. 

The electricity travels on the surface of the wire. There is the possibility to make a quantum channel that protects electricity against the outcoming effect. So if the wire moves and data stays in a stable position on the wire that can help to solve the problem that the Hall effect or resistance causes. The problem is in that thing is this. Researchers can protect the wire against vertical disturbance. But the problem is in vertical disturbance. 

Data or information can travel only from higher, to lower energy levels. That means the other end in the quantum lines or quantum tracks must be at a higher energy level. The system must keep the transmitting side of the quantum computer at a higher energy level. And the computer must be protected against EM. And other types of radiation. The answer can be that the data will be transmitted to the quantum computer at room temperature. Then the system will be frozen and the data handling process can start. 

There is the possibility to use laser-  or acoustic beams to make the data transmission possible between transmitters and receivers. Those beams clean the route for data carriers. 

The system can form a so-called wormhole or whirl through the quantum gas. That whirl involves a vacuum that denies the scattering effect. 

Or the quantum computer must be put in the vacuum chamber there the mechanical noise that the atoms cause is minimized. Also, things like seismic waves disturb quantum computers. 

Things like the scattering effect destroy data. The hollow laser beam that travels in a nanotube can protect photons that transmit data. The main problem with laser beams is that they are not monotonic. 

Laser beams form when particles that are stressed by light send radiation. The particle must store energy before it can send radiation. So there are small breaks in the laser beam. Those breaks allow the outside energy field to fall into that quantum channel. 

Photonics and qubits.

Photonics is a new science. Researchers make some new things almost every day. To that new, interesting science that offers limitless possibilities. The two-photon technology can mean. The photonic version of the scanning tunneling microscope. The other photon is in the frame. And the other photon hovers above the object. When another photon hovers near the surface. That causes interactions in those photons' quantum field. And that makes it possible to scan the atom's internal structures. Quantum systems require the ability to see things that the system can make interactions. 

That means the system that sees the position of things like electrons makes it possible to create Rydberg states in atoms with ultimate accuracy. Another thing is that this kind of system can increase the power of the quantum data transmissions. The system can create hollow laser beams. And then shoot the photons their data is stored in this quantum channel. The quantum channel protects information in the quantum channel. 

But quantum computers can be more advanced. If the system can use superconducting wires to transport information. The information can travel in the superconducting wire. Or it can transported between two superpositioned and entangled photons that hover in that quantum field. In the last version, the quantum field protects data in the quantum channel. 

What if we create a system where the wire moves and data stand in a static place or point on the wire? The thing in room temperature quantum computers is that. 

The Hall effect or resistance destroys data in the wire. But if the system stores data in a static point and moves that point. 

That eliminates the Hall effect. So the idea is that the wire moves and the data stays in static lace in the wire. 

"The general definition of a qubit as the quantum state of a two-level quantum system." (Wikipedia, Qubit)

The quantum computer is very close to the analog computer. We can think of the superposition and quantum entanglement we can think of that system as a C-cassette-style component. The difference between this system is that the system writes data to tape. Then it transports that point to the receiver. Then the data is in the static point. The moving tape moves data to the receiver. 

It's possible to load information row to line into the C-cassettes or series of C-cassettes and then drive that data to the receiver. It is easier to use individual tape for each quantum state. Those cassettes can benefit nanotechnology. 

We can think that qubit's states are strings. Every string has values 0 and 1.  So, theoretically is possible to create a qubit using the line of microprocessors. That means the computer line can used to make the virtual quantum computer.

Quantum computers can store information in the DNA. In that chemical version, the base pairs A, T, and G, C can be 1 and 0. ( (AT) =1 and (GC)=0) or every base can be the individual state of the qubit. A=1, T=2, G=3, C=4. In that case, the pair numbers can be 1 in those states. And pairless can be zero. The electric impulse that tells if the computer will shut down. 

The system writes the data to tape. And then tape transports that point into the reader that transports data to output.  But can that kind of analog computer be the quantum computer simulation or the quantum computer that can operate at room temperature? 

There is a model where the very thin iron wires can store data. Then those iron wires move that point in them into the receiver. The idea is that the wire that moves can keep the information in its original form. The problem is that the resistance, or Hall field destroys the data structure that travels over the wire. But what if wire travels and data stands at the same point? The idea is that wire travels between two points. The writer writes data to the wire. And then the wire moves that point like a tape recorder to the receiver.

3D printing is an environmentally friendly way to produce things.

"3D printing enhances microbial electrochemical systems by optimizing reactor and electrode design, improving efficiency in wastewater treatment and renewable energy. Credit: Mingyi Xu, Miriam Fernandez-Avila Cobo, Danfei Zeng, Yifeng Zhang" (ScitechDaily, How 3D Printing Is Powering a Cleaner Environment in the Future)

3D printing uses less raw material than regular manufacturing methods. That saves nature and mineral resources. Material waste in 3D printing systems is minimal. If we compare it with traditional manufacturing methods. The 3D printing systems are universal tools that can transform 3D CAD images into physical things. That makes the 3D printer a superior and fundamental tool for CAD/CAM (Computer Aided Design/ Computer Aided Manufacturing) technology. 

The 3D printer creates sharper structures than regular casting. The system can make sharp structures. And then. It can use everything that is not used or removed in the finishing stage. When the finishing system makes the finishing process and removes roughness. The system can collect those materials and then melt them. 

3D printers and laser systems are the ultimate tools. They can make very sharp structures without material losses. The printer system can operate in the vacuum chamber and those systems can use AI-controlled scanners, holograms, with other things to make things with ultimate accuracy. The laser scanners can see even the smallest details on those structures. Ans highly accurate laser systems can also remove roughness. And non-controlled artifacts from things that the laser system uses.

Biohacking is the most game-changing technology in the world.

"A research team has identified NEAT1, a long non-coding RNA, as a key player in DNA repair. This discovery links RNA metabolism to genome stability and opens up potential new cancer treatments. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Scientists Just Discovered an RNA That Repairs DNA Damage – And It’s a Game-Changer)

Humans make evolution faster than ever before. We created many species like dogs and cows to serve us. The tame pig has many united things with the wild boars. But the tame pig is not anything like wild boards. The human removed aggression from that species. Same way dogs are far from their natural cousins wolves. Tame cattle are also processed from the wild bulls. 

The thing. What makes tame cattle different is that aggressive individuals cannot make descendants. Aggressive cattle will be sent to a meat factory. And that removed aggressive behavior. 

But today humans have the tools that we had not before. Those tools are genetic engineering and nanotechnology. They can create any creature in the world. We can create artificial DNA that can create artificial species that are not in nature. Creating artificial individuals is similar to breeding horses. The researchers must find individuals who have certain abilities. Then they can enrich the genetic material. However, that method is limited to the species. 

But nanotechnology and genetic engineering make it possible to connect genomes between species. That makes it possible to create even humans whose skin involves chlorophyll molecules. 

Researchers can create artificial species and modify individuals' hereditary benefits. The imagination in biological and genetic research is the limit of biotechnology. The ability to give genome therapy is similar to giving vaccines to people. We can say. That vaccines are early-stage for a large-scale gene therapy. In the morula stage, researchers can check the DNA and then remove things like hereditary diseases from it. The same technology that makes humans wealthier is the worst nightmare in the wrong hands. 

The problem with large-scale genome therapy is there are so many cells in the human body that the system has no time to change the DNA into those cells.  

One of the answers is to create a virus that infects lots of cells. The virus can turn lots of cells to create the wanted DNA. And then. They can inject that DNA into their neighbor cells. 

The DNA bite can be like a program that creates the virus for a certain time. Then. That DNA will destroy the sequences that create those viruses. The problem is that in the genetic transfer process, the old DNA must be removed. If that is not done the result is catastrophic. 

The ability to change the DNA sequences helps to remove hereditary diseases, but it also makes it possible to order the gender of the individuals and connect the other DNA into those sequences. If we connect the genomes from gorillas to the human muscle cells, that gives the ultimate strength for a person.

So maybe we can make Albert Einstein with muscles that make Arnold Schwarzenegger look like rickety. Or we can create a creature that can adjust its muscle-cells mitochondria mass. But then another game-changing thing is that researchers found the RNA that can fix the DNA. RNA can be game-changing in the aging medicals. Aging and some cancers are results of DNA damage. And the ability to fix the DNA. Removes some of those damages. 

The RNA that fixes the DNA can increase our lifetime. And that is one of the things. Why RNA is important. 

This type of RNA can also used to fix the DNA-based nanomachines. When we talk about lifetime. And other things we must realize one thing. Those therapies are not so ultimate that we can forget exercise, a wealthy lifestyle, and being careful. 

One of the reasons why our lifetime will not extend as predicted is that medicines and treatments are better than ever before. So, there are people who think that they can live without caring about a wealthy lifestyle. Some people believe that even if they smoke a couple of boxes of cigarettes every day, and drink a couple of beers every day will get treatment when they want. 

One of the things in medical treatment is that. People don't take medicines as they should take them. If the antibiotics are interrupted before the medication is ended that leaves the strongest bacteria alive. And that is the origin of the super bacteria. This means wrongly used antibiotics and other medicines increase the speed of bacteria evolution.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Solving Glaubert's optimum rotor disk can make new aerodynamics possible.

"By refining a long-standing aerodynamic problem, Divya Tyagi unlocked new potential for wind turbine design. Her mathematical breakthrough could enhance energy efficiency and inspire future innovations. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Student Refines a Century-Old Math Problem That Could Transform Wind Energy)

Glaubert's optimum rotor disk can help to make more effective wind generators. But, it can also help to make more effective turbines and turboprops. In the last case. 

The researcher must determine the speed of the wind that travels (or should travel) through Glaubert's optimum rotor disk. And then. 

Developers can make the formula to create a customized optimal Glaubert disk for that windspeed.

The aircraft cannot travel faster than its exhaust gases. And the jet engine. Just accelerates air that travels in the engine tube. The exhaust gas cannot travel faster than the burning speed in the fuel-air mixture. The problem with the fast low-hypersonic jet engines like ramjets has no moving parts. 

The engine cannot start when the aircraft stays on the runway. The airspeed in the ramjet must be about Mach 1. The problem is that the blower will face the air that travels through it with a speed that is over Mach 5 if the aircraft travels with hypersonic speed. If somebody can make a blower that can inject air into the ramjet engine with a speed that is Mach 6+ that thing will revolutionize aviation. 

Solving Glaubert's optimal rotor disk problem is the thing. That can improve the efficiency of the wind turbine. 

Developers can use the same formula to solve the turboprop engines' development problems. And the other thing is this. Solving this problem can also give new energy-effective solutions for turbojet engines. 

Glaubert's optimum disk makes it possible to calculate the ideal size and speed for certain disks. 

That formula can make it possible to calculate the ideal size for wind turbine propellers. 

The system must only know the average wind speed. Or the most usual wind speed. That helps to make more effective wind turbines than before. 

The prediction in Glaubert's optimum disk is that the disk gets its energy from free-flowing air. But there is the possibility to make. The changes there the force goes opposite through the disk. We can think that Glaubert's optimum disk opens the road to the more effective turbines and turbojets. 

In that case, the airflow that the turboprop makes. Is, handled as the free flow. The thing that the researcher must do is to create value for the free airflow.

That thing happens when the researcher determines the goal speed. And then. The other things like the wing, or disk size must be put to fit with that airflow. That is one of the things that can make aircraft more effective than before.

Stars and planets that should not exist.

"A binary star system in the center of the Milky Way provides new clues as to how stars form around the central black hole. Credit: NASA/CXC/MIT/F.K.Baganoff et al."(ScitechDaily, A binary star system in the center of the Milky Way provides new clues as to how stars form around the central black hole. Credit: NASA/CXC/MIT/F.K.Baganoff et al.)

Our knowledge of planet and star formations expands. And that brings planets and stars that should not exist in front of our eyes. The thing that makes planet or star formation possible or impossible is the energy. And radiation that comes from the star. Or from the radiation center. The black holes and stars both cause particle flow and radiation that can destroy protoplanets or protostars that are too close to them. And, of course, the gravity field can rip protoplanets into pieces. 

Or why impossible star formation exists is simple. Those planets and stars can born somewhere else, and then the star or planet can travel to the orbiter of the gravity center. The rogue planet that comes to a star's or black hole's gravity field can start to orbit them. The same thing that fits stars fits planets. We know that pulsars have planets that formed probably in the supernova debris. 

"Artist’s illustration. Gaia detected this candidate exoplanet, named Gaia-4b, with astrometry. Now, follow-up spectroscopy has confirmed its existence. It’s about twelve times more massive than Jupiter and orbits the star called Gaia-4, around 244 light-years away. Credit: ESA/Gaia/DPAC/M. Marcussen" (ScitechDaily, A Star’s Tiny Wobble Just Revealed a Massive Planet That Shouldn’t Exist)

The planet called "Poltergeist" (PSR B1257+12 B) is one of those planets that orbit neutron stars. There can be millions of stars in the universe that orbit black holes. The most well-known binary star where a regular star's companion is the blue supergiant star Cygnus X-1. It's possible that the black hole captured the supergiant into its orbiter. Or anyway, the blue supergiant distance to the black hole can also turn smaller. 

The position with that other star was not the same in the case: Cygnus X-1's mass center collapsed into a black hole. There is a prediction or suspicion that the Cygnus X-1 is a binary star with a black hole component. In Cygnus X-1, the blue supergiant variable star HDE 226868 orbits some invisible object. The best candidate for that object is a stellar-mass black hole. The blue variable star is ending its existence as a star. And it will also turn into a supernova. 

If that invisible component of the Cygnus X-1 does not pull so much material out from that blue supergiant. Its mass will decrease below the critical point. And the result will be the neutron star. 

 That explains why that first supernova didn't destroy the blue supergiant. The interaction between those stars is interesting. The black hole pulls material from the blue supergiant but also sends radiation to that star. This means the blue supergiant is hotter than it should be, but it loses its mass, and that can affect its turn to explode as a supernova. 

And otherwise saying the entire galaxy orbits around the supermassive black hole. We can say that all stars in the Milky Way wait for their destiny. That destiny is to fall in the supermassive black hole Sgr*A which is the mass center of our galaxy. Another fate can be the case when Andromeda galaxy impacts our galaxy. That impact happened a couple of billions of years ago. And when that black hole travels through our galaxy it would destroy lots of stars and planets.

What happens to mass and energy near the speed of light?

The answer to that question is interesting. Mass is energy. And energy is mass. When the energy level rises, the mass of the object also rises. Or the object pulls more energy in it. When a higher-energy particle touches a lower-energy particle or object. It delivers that energy. When a particle moves through space. 

If you make a bullet with a 1D atom lattice in the middle of it. That atom lattice forms a phonon. The effect is where all atoms in a lattice deliver their energy synchronously as acoustic waves. That increases its power because it delivers impact energy faster. 

It transfers energy inside it. Then it delivers that energy to the object where it hits. So we can think case where the pure silicone crystal hits an object. 

The bullet stores energy in it. And we can think that it moves its atom's electrons backward. Then the object hits the target. Those electrons travel ahead synchronously. In that process, those electrons deliver their energy. That thing is possible only in 1D atomic lattices. So the bullet must made using the 2D silicone structures to make that thing like this possible. 

The speed of light is the cosmic speed limit. That speed is one of the great paradoxes in the universe. The speed of light is a cosmic constant. But it's not the same everywhere. The speed of light in a medium is lower than the speed of light in a vacuum. 

Cosmic nebulas and other things also decrease the speed of light. So, that's why we should say that a photon's speed is always the top, but another photon can travel faster than another. When a photon arrives at the medium. 

"Animation showing 6 normal modes of a one-dimensional lattice: a linear chain of particles. The shortest wavelength is at top, with progressively longer wavelengths below. In the lowest lines the motion of the waves to the right can be seen." (Wikipedia, Phonon)


The hypothetical graviton can be photon-hole. Or a photonic version of an electron hole. When a photon goes into the high energy field it gets more energy than it delivers. That can cause a situation. In which a photon jumps out from the 3D universe. In that case, the photon leaves a hole behind it. So the reaction is similar to when an electron jumps out from its orbital. 


It must deliver its energy to the nebula. But then we must realize that photons and all moving particles carry kinetic energy. That energy forms when quantum fields go in the particle that travels in quantum fields. So when the particle's speed increases. It just transports quantum fields inside it. 

The particle must create an energy field whose energy level is higher than the energy level in the particle. 

Because energy always travels to the lower energy field. The energy is field interaction. Which means energy is wave movement between two fields. 

The fields must be similar. And we can see energy. Only when it moves. The electromagnetic field cannot fill the gravity field for example. 

A gravity field can transform an electromagnetic wave's trajectory. But, it cannot merge with the EM field. 

The EM field can merge with other EM fields. That means energy from higher energy fields travels to lower energy fields. The speed of energy transfer depends on the difference between fields' energy levels. 

But then what happens near the speed of light? The energy jumps out from the particle and denies its acceleration. But what happens? When a particle travels in the Universe it prowls through quantum fields. Those fields form the shockwave ahead of the particle. The shockwave has many layers. The inner shockwave to the particle has a lower energy level than the field ahead of that shockwave. The energy of the higher energy part turns higher than the environment. 

And that pushes energy out of the shockwave. That causes energy loss. So, finally, energy starts to travel from the particle to the shockwave. And that denies the acceleration. The problem is that near the speed of light energy goes to a shockwave. And it cannot reach the particle. 

So the blue light flashes that things like neutrino detectors detect are the part of the shockwave that travels to the lower energy fields. When the neutrino impacts water in the sensor or when it arrives in the atmosphere. Quantum fields around atoms pull that shockwave to them very fast. 

The photon is the only known particle that can reach the speed of light in the so-called straight universe. Photon is like a donut. And that explains. The thing for why it can always travel with the speed of light. The shape makes it possible that when a photon travels in a quantum field the field travels in its internal structure. 

Then it travels through the photon's ring-shaped structure. That thing means that the photon gets as much energy as it delivers. This is one of the things that causes interesting models. If there is some energy source that brings more energy in the photon than it delivers it can explain the hypothetical graviton. 

The case where a photon simply jumps out from the Universe. When its energy level turns too high causes a similar pothole with an electron when it jumps out from its orbital. In some models, the graviton is the photon hole or photonic version of the electron hole.

Monday, March 3, 2025

The hidden web of dark matter.

"A massive filament of dark matter’s cosmic web has been imaged in unprecedented detail. Spanning millions of light-years, this structure reveals how dark matter helped shape the early Universe by pulling gas into place for galaxy formation. Credit: ESO/D. Tornotti et al./Hubble: M. Revalski, P. Francis et al." (ScitechDaily, Scientists Capture the Universe’s Hidden Web of Dark Matter)

The hidden web of dark matter is one of the most fascinating things in the universe. That structure proves that dark matter doesn't fill the entire universe. The hidden web of dark matter tells us that there are places in the universe where there is no dark matter at all. That thing makes it possible to research how dark matter focuses gravitational waves.  And that thing can prove one of the theories possible. Maybe gravity lenses also can focus gravitational waves. 

Or, when gravity waves impact together, that thing forms standing gravity waves and scatters gravity waves. There is one possible point where gravity waves can reflect. And that point is another gravtíty wave. But if gravity wave is the energy ditch. Or lower energy level. That means it's possible that those waves don't scatter or reflect. 

But if gravity waves form energy ditches that effect can also form a situation, where those gravity waves pack in one entirety. In that model, gravity waves cannot scatter but they can go together forming deeper gravity waves or deeper energy ditches. In that model, the impacting gravity waves can form the black hole straight from the gravity field. But that requires that the energy pothole is deep enough and the whirl doesn't let outside energy fill it. It's possible that this kind of black hole formed in quark-gluon plasma in the young universe.

But in our universe entropy destroys that structure. The field that travels across the quantum whirl closes it that field acts like any other layer. Materia and energy that impact it cause situations where their energy travels to whirl's walls. That energy presses the quantum whirl open destroys the structure and denies the black hole form. 

That crossing field makes a similar effect. As the Hall field in the Hall effect or resistance. And maybe this kind of field can close some black holes. In that hypothesis, the fast-rotating quantum field can close the black hole inside it. That field can cause a situation in which the black hole cannot pull things through that field. 

The nature of gravity is interesting. The gravitational interaction between dark- and visible material is interesting. Dark matter should surround or pack around gravity centers. And then we must ask how much dark matter is inside gravitational objects like Earth. How big a role Dark Matter plays in the gravitational interactions? The gravitational waves send energy out from the object. 

That means the other energy fields start to fill that energy hole. And that means the dark matter can be the thing, that makes the gravitational energy move. As in all energy forms, gravitational interaction doesn't happen without gravitational waves. Standing field doesn't make the interaction between those two or more objects.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

The new tools are revolutionary in genetics and biotechnology.

(Freethink,Arc Institute’s new AI can read and write the code of life)

The new artificial intelligence AI operating systems can create any DNA. That researchers want. This tool can be the most fundamental that we have ever seen before. The ability to create artificial DNA makes it possible to create artificial organisms. Artificial organisms and the ability to change the DNA in the cells make new steps for biological medical treatments. The problem with things like tissue and organ transfers is the immune reaction. 

So the answer can be the genetically engineered cells that are made from the receiver's own cells. That thing makes the 3D tissue printers more effective than ever before.  The 3D tissue printers can create organs for people who need them. And that is a big step for tissue transplants. Tissue transplants can save a person's life in accidents. But that kind of technology can make the new science possible. 

"The 3D bioprinter at the Collins BioMicrosystems Laboratory at the University of Melbourne. Credit: Tessa van der Riet. Biomedical engineers at the University of Melbourne have developed a 3D bioprinting system capable of creating structures that closely replicate the diverse tissues of the human body." (ScitechDaily, Revolutionary 3D Bioprinter Creates Human Tissue Structures in Seconds)

"3D bioprinting is pushing the boundaries of human tissue engineering. Credit: Tessa van der Riet" (ScitechDaily, Revolutionary 3D Bioprinter Creates Human Tissue Structures in Seconds)

The system can create DNA and fix the DNA if there is some damage. The system can detect hereditary diseases in morulas. Then it can remove the DNA. After that, the system can make modifications to the DNA. And then inject it back into the morula. The system can make almost everything, like female Isaac Newton. The idea is that the system can simply manipulate the gender genomes in Sir Isaac Newton's DNA and then inject it into the morula. That means it just creates the female version of the most awesome researchers in history. 

"A new study shows that gut bacteria can influence the molecular pattern of glycosylation – the presence of sugar groups on proteins – in the brain. Credit: Daniela Velasco Lozano/EMBL" (ScitechDaily, Gut Bacteria Secretly Rewire the Brain – New Study Reveals How)

The cloned structures allow to creation of the green men. The men or creatures whose skin can make photosynthesis. That thing can also create the muscles there is the gorilla's muscle tissues. That makes the person stronger than before. 

The gut bacteria secretly rewires brains. And that ability can make the new step for psychiatric treatments. This thing can remove aggression and other things. Controlling that process can open new books for psychiatric treatments. 

Chancing the DNA is one step to long-term spacetrips. 

When we think about the possibility of making artificial DNA that thing can make the long-term space journeys possible. The problem with hibernation is the thing that can be useful in long-term space trips. But there is one big problem. The space crew will turn old anyway.  Aging is the reason for the DNA damage. Long-term space trips require the ability to stabilize the DNA. 

That means astronauts must be frozen to the temperature just above the absolute zero Kelvin. The human hibernation is one version of how to make crew use their time in space travel. But aging is a big problem in interstellar flight. 

The solution to that problem can be the DNA that is stored in digital form.

Another solution can be a system that can print the new DNA for aging astronauts. The DNA can be stored in the digital form. And the AI-based systems can print that DNA. And then replace mitochondria and the cell's nucleus DNA by using new and non-damaged DNA. The genetically engineered bacteria can deliver that DNA into the person's body. And that thing can increase the lifetime of the people.

The insane magnetic field of magnetars.

"A simulated magnetar with magnetic field lines and surface temperature (temperature increases with color, tending from red to yellow). Credit: ©Raphaël Raynaud (LMPA/AIM/IRFU/DRF/CEA Saclay)" (ScitechDaily, Neutron Stars Gone Wild: How Magnetars Get Their Insane Magnetic Power)

There is suspicion. Cosmic radio flashes and high-energy, X- and Gamma-ray flashes from magnetars form when they impact with planets or some other massive objects. 

The neutron star forms. When the 8X larger star than the sun uses its fuel. That thing causes a situation where the star falls into the structure where electrons and protons melt together. That means those structures are purely neutrons. The neutron star's magnetic fields are insane. The thing that forms this magnetic field is the so-called Tayler-Spruit generator. In planets and stars the Tayler-Spruit generator forms a magnetic field when liquid metal rotates the metal core. 

The neutron star's mass is so high, and the material so dense that the shell and core in neutron stars cannot rotate at different speeds. Or that is very hard. So, it's possible that a neutron star that rotates in the plasma cloud can form a similar situation that the planet's metal core forms in melted metal. In stars the magnetic forms at different speeds of plasma rotation. 

The insane magnetic field of magnetars can form when some high-energy parts in a very low-mass neutron star rotate at different speeds. The magnetic field can form when the internal structures of neutron stars or neutron stars' core and neutron star shells rotate at different speeds. It's possible. That neutron star's shell and core rotate in different directions. That maximizes their mutual speed. 

"Magnetic-field lines inside the NS crust at the beginning of our NS magnetothermal simulation, that is, at t = 0. Credit: Nature Astronomy (2025). DOI: 10.1038/s41550-025-02477-y" (Sciencenewstoday, Tayler-Spruit Dynamo Mechanism Explains the Formation of Low-Field Magnetars)

There are two possible ways in which the neutron star's magnetic field can form. 

1) The rotation inside the neutron star. 

2) The plasma shield and neutron star's mutual rotation makes the magnetic field. The plasma can rotate opposite direction to the neutron star. 

That maximizes their mutual speed. The magnetar is a very low-mass neutron star and that supports the last theorem. The lower gravity field allows the plasma layer to stay more stable than around higher-mass neutron stars. Also, the plasma can explain why all low-mass neutron stars are not magnetars. 

The plasma will not fall to the neutron star if its speed is high enough, that it can remain in orbit around that thing. The insane magnetic field forms when the plasma is like strings around the neutron star. Things like whirls in the plasma can decrease the magnetic field's power. 

In some models, there is the possibility that the neutron fog is the low-density neutron structure between the neutron star's core and its shell. There is the possibility that the insane magnetic field around some neutron stars forms when plasma and the neutron fog interact together. 

Same way if there is a neutron fog between the neutron star's core and its shell, that neutron cloud or neutron fog can create its magnetic field. 

In that case, the neutron star can form an insane magnetic field. But there is another thing that can make an insane magnetic field around neutron stars. When particles like gas impact a neutron star's shell, it causes a very high-energy reaction. That reaction forms a plasma shell above a neutron star. There are nuclear reactions in that plasma. 

The neutron star rotates in that plasma. And there is the possibility that the plasma and neutron stars act like Tayler-Spruit dynamo. There the neutron star forms a stator. And plasma around it forms a rotor. If the magnetic field forms when the neutron star and its plasma rotate in opposite directions that can make a new path to the neutron star research.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Microwaves are tools for the new recycling methods.

"This is an artistic representation of the depolymerization of aramid fibers. Credit: Dr. Dina Maniar, University of Groningen, edited." (ScitechDaily, Microwaves Unlock a Faster, Cleaner Way to Recycle Bulletproof Kevlar)

New materials require new recycling methods. Some of those methods can be suitable for weapon applications. 

Microwaves break the carbon chains in polymers. And that makes them dangerous. There are tested microwaves to destroy oil in oil damages. The microwave cuts the polymer structures. And the same systems can destroy diesel and petroleum in their storage. Things like graphene are ultimate materials but only if they can conduct energy out from them. If the energy transmitter surrounds the graphene structure and starts to send energy into its outer edge that thing causes a situation in which energy starts to travel in the middle of the graphene structure. 

In this case, the system creates a standing wave in the middle of the graphene structure. The energy level in the outer edge is higher than in the middle of the graphene, which denies the graphene's ability to remove energy from the structure. The problem with recycling is this: recycling means breaking the materials. 

Microwaves can destroy Kevlar and other carbon-based chemical structures. 

The new way to recycle bulletproof Kevlar can also give the possibility of breaking the Kevlar armor. In those systems, the microwave cuts the kevlar structure. There are tested microwaves on the battlefield whose purpose is to jam drone swarms. The same systems can destroy kevlar armor and other plastic structures like composite magazines and plastic structures in weapons. Kevlar is also structured in the super-hard ropes used to keep offshore oil platforms in their position. 

The microwave also heats metals. That means microwaves can detonate ammunition in boxes. It can affect large-scale entireties like drone swarms. The big drones are good targets for lasers and machine guns. However, the drone swarms of small-size drones require systems that can affect the entire swarm at one time. 

Kevlar is used in bulletproof vests and lightweight armor in light vehicles. The ability to break kevlar opens the route to the ammunition. And that is a big threat to the law enforcement and military operators. Kevlar is also part of the structural composite armor metal. Kevlar plates are layer over layer. The kevlar structure keeps different metals away from each other. In those structures, the harder and softer layers follow each other. 

The purpose of the softer structure is to pull impact energy and the harder structure breaks the ammunition.  And that makes composite armor more effective than traditional armor. The microwave system that impacts microwaves to the kevlar structures breaks the polymeric chains in that strong material. The microwaves can break the bulletproof vests and other armor. 

There are used polymer carbon chains. And that makes microwave systems effective tools. Also for boosting ammunition power. There are tested microwave systems whose mission is to jam the tank's counter-missile system detonate its reactive armor off the ammunition's road and heat the metal armor that offers the warhead a better way to penetrate the armor.

AI computers, nanoantennas, and holograms are tools that can revolutionize manufacturing.

That would raise the sales of the microchips. And that's why that is the goal for the microchip producers. Those new PCs require lots of new microchips. The new AI PCs can run more powerful and effective programs. That makes them powerful tools in the hands of hackers. 

The prediction is that AI-based computers will soon be standard. New and effective microchips and memory controls allow the system to run more complicated code than before. The new systems can also enhance data security. But the same systems can also find vulnerabilities in the old-time systems. The new and effective computers are tools, that can revolutionize things, like graphics, system handling, interfaces, and many other things. 

These kinds of computers are things. That will revolutionize computing and nanotechnology sooner than we even expect. The nanomachines that can transport sensors to the desired positions in the body can make a revolution in neurology. And maybe in the future things like neuro implants will inject into people's bodies. Then nanotechnology transports them into the right positions. 

"The principle of this work is demonstrated by using a laser to levitate nanoparticles and make them carry an electric charge to become an antenna that receives an external electric field containing a communication signal. Credit: Adapted from Zhenhai Fu / Zhejiang Lab, China, edited." (ScitechDaily, 10,000x Smaller: Tiny Nano-Antenna Could Revolutionize Wireless Tech)

The tiny nano-antenna can revolutionize wireless technology. It can make new, powerful multi-band transmitters possible. Those transmitter-receivers can handle thousands of frequencies. And that is a great advance for portable technology. Those tiny nano-size antennas can also operate in the nano-size robots to transmit. 

And receive information. The nano-size antennas can also operate with nanotechnical systems that can put those antennas between axons. And those new types of systems can hear signals that travel in the nervous system. The new antennas that nanotechnology can put their position can make. 

A new type of singularity with living nervous systems and robots is possible. Nanotechnology can slip those antennas into the bodies of natural animals. And maybe quite soon we can see and hear what those animals hear and see. The knowledge of the nervous signals increases all the time. That means the systems can decode nervous signals in new ways. The singularity is the ultimate version of the user interface. In those systems robots and humans are combinations. 

"The method allows the fabrication of millimeter-scale objects within seconds. Credit: © LAPD EPFL" (ScitechDaily, Holograms Take 3D Printing to the Next Level – With Amazing Precision and Speed)

But antennas are not the only things that advancing all the time. The nano-antennas can give revolutionary information. But new AI computers. And new algorithms and AI-based systems can make new types of intelligent, network-based data analysis possible. The idea in those systems is that if they cannot solve problems in a certain time, they call more systems into the neural network to solve problems. 

The highly advanced AI is the tool that can make the new computer-aided design CAD, and computer-aided manufacturing CAM tools possible. The AI can remove errors from the product automatically. And the holograms are making it more effective. The infrared hologram can be used to remove things like scratches from the plastic layers. Or maybe if the IR's temperature is high enough, that lightsaber can remove roughness even from the metal surfaces. The hologram can also used to test what some products like furniture can look like in some rooms. 

Highly advanced computing is a tool for material research. It is a tool for holographic-support 3D printing. In those systems, the developer makes the 3D CAD image for the system. The system makes holograms of the object. Then the developer can check the measures and dimensions of the object. The hologram tells does the object fits into its place. 

The system uses holograms to model things. And then the 3D printing system follows the hologram and fits the model into the hologram. The hologram's shape helps the system make a sharp 3D model by using the printer. The 3D printers can use holograms to test how the part that the system makes fits into the place. Then the system can use AI to fix the diameters and other things.

Today's wearable technology can help people. But it can also put their life in danger.

Data security is very important to make wearable sensor technology safe. 

The wearable sensors require batteries that give them electricity. There is always the possibility. That there is some kind of explosion. Or leak in chemical batteries. That can cause injuries. Another thing is that those sensors send data from the body to mobile devices like cell phones. Wearable sensors can collect every information type from chemical conditions to diabetes and heart problems. 

Hackers can steal that data, and then that can make people vulnerable to blackmailing and that information can risk people's life. When we think about the wearable. Sensor that searches sweat and chemical compounds. That involves there always the possibility that those sensors collect data that is not mentioned. 

There can be a mode that just removes the data savings from abilities that the system's user doesn't want to collect. But hackers can activate that segment in "shadow mode" that sends data to the hacker's computers. The chemical analyzers can tell about things like inflammation. The other thing is that the system can take an EKG. 

And artificial intelligence can make an analysis. Considering cardiac problems. Or it can tell hackers what that person should search from the EKG curves. The fact is that wearable sensors can also transmit things like people's parasympathetic nervous actions and changes in blood pressure. That tells the observer if the person who wears the system is nervous. 

"e-Taste technology introduces taste to virtual reality through sensors and wireless chemical dispersal. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Virtual Food Is Here – And You Can Actually Taste It)

The other thing is that neuro implants that are used for brain-computer interfaces BMC keep contact with computers using Bluetooth-style secured data transmission. The BCI that operates things like robot exoskeletons are gates or ports that open brain-machine interfaces BMI and connect themselves to the brains. The BCI is the key element for the BMI. 

And that means the BMI is the system that controls the physical bodies of the computers. There is always the possibility that hackers can hack the BCI/BMI systems and maybe they can read the mind of the users. The thing is that the BCI systems are becoming more advanced and that thing is the gold mine for hackers. 

Things like virtual food are examples of things that combine virtual reality and physical systems. The virtual food involves a virtual reality VR set and the chemical tanks that involve the chemicals that make the real-feeling taste effect. It can be possible to create taste and smell effects stimulating the right neuron groups in brains or neural tracks using electric impulses. 

That thing makes it possible to taste many things safely. The thing is that researchers know which taste sense certain chemicals activate. The electric impulses can stimulate the same neuron groups as the chemicals that activate taste and smell sensors. This kind of system can also stimulate neural centers that control hunger and saturation. This thing can cause very horrible conditions.

Galaxies tell about things that CMB cannot tell.

"The SphereX (Spectro-Photometer for the History of the Universe, Epoch of Reionization and Ices Explorer) mission, slated for launch on February 28. 2025, is designed to map out hundreds of millions of galaxies over the entire sky in an attempt to measure the large-scale structure of the Universe, throughout cosmic time, to better precision than ever before. It has the potential to teach us lessons about our early Universe, cosmically, that even the CMB cannot reveal." (ScitechDaily, How mapping galaxies can teach us what the CMB can’t)

New tools map galaxies. They also bring information that the cosmic microwave background CMB cannot give. Each radiation type from radio waves through infrared, and visible light to X-rays and deepest gamma-rays brings its own, kind of information. 

The cosmic microwave background, CMB is only one information source for things like the Big Bang and the young universe. The CMB mapping can give information about the beginning of entropy. The space that formed in the mass made the entropy possible. 

And entropy still grows in modern days. When entropy already exists and it's large and powerful its growth is harder to see than in the thick systems. When the system's density decreases that increases entropy. The space in the system that allows particles and superstrings to oscillate stronger and vaporize faster, that thing increases the distance between particles and objects. 

During that process, those particles also lose their mass. But then we must realize that CMB is only one data source for the complicated structure called the Universe. The universe is the largest known quantum system. 

The information that the galaxies can give tells about things like dark matter. The dark matter interaction is purely gravitational. Or maybe there are some other interactions with hypothetical weakly interacting massive particles, WIMPs, and other particles or radiation. But the cosmic background can cover that reflection below it.   

"The quantum fluctuations inherent to space, stretched across the Universe during cosmic inflation, gave rise to the density fluctuations imprinted in the cosmic microwave background, which in turn gave rise to the stars, galaxies, and other large-scale structures in the Universe today. This is the best picture we have of how the entire Universe behaves, where inflation precedes and sets up the Big Bang. Unfortunately, we can only access the information contained inside our cosmic horizon, which is all part of the same fraction of one region where inflation ended some 13.8 billion years ago." (BigThink, How mapping galaxies can teach us what the CMB can’t)

And maybe. Those hypothetical WIMP particles are some kind of excitons. Exciton is the quasiparticle where the electron starts to orbit an electron-hole.  The exciton forms when an electron jumps out from its orbital. That thing leaves an electron-hole that another electron tries to fill. The Pauli Exclusion principle means. That there cannot be two identical fermions in the same quantum system. That's why another electron cannot fill that hole. And when it starts to orbit the hole, it denies the electron-hole fill. 

There is the possibility that also other particles than electrons like quarks can form quasiparticles that are like electron holes that electron orbits. If some boson like gluon or quark makes a hole in the atom or outside the atom and starts to orbit a similar hole, it could explain why we cannot see those particles. So, maybe the gluon or quark can create the hole that it starts to orbit. 

Things like the cosmic web cause the idea that maybe those hypothetical WIMPs can make some kind of chains. The model is that those holes that quark or (maybe) gluon orbits can make the chains. The chain of those holes can be very long. And that can make a model, that the WIMP can be the small primordial black hole that formed in the young universe, or maybe supernova explosions and relativistic jets of other black holes can form those things. 

"Frenkel exciton, bound electron-hole pair where the hole is localized at a position in the crystal represented by black dots" (Wikipedia, Exciton)

Another idea is this. The black hole can be like a giant exciton. The event horizon is the point. Where escaping velocity reaches the speed of light can trap the particles and EM fields. Those fields can form a similar situation. That electrons form when they start to form an exciton. 

The orbiting particles and electromagnetic fields close the hole that we call a black hole in the middle of it. The black hole is the whirl. The particles pump energy to the whirl that prevents the outside fields from filling the black hole. When an object rises black hole its energy level rises. But the black hole is "black" because its gravity is so strong. A black hole is like a tunnel through time. The question is what makes energy move that way, that it pulls particles with it into the black hole's sink? 

We can say that a black hole is a tunnel that the quantum whirl orbits. The energy level in that tunnel is lower than at whirl around it. The fast-moving energy field that travels in that channel denies the energy travel in it from the whirl around it. Or that energy takes the side-coming energy with it so fast that there is a pulling effect. 

Or, otherwise saying the center of a black hole is a lower energy level than its barriers. That means the black hole is like a chimney that pulls energy through it. The lower energy center in the whirl pulls material into it. Or it makes energy fields travel to the center of the black hole. And that pulls particles with it. The black hole turns smaller and smaller because of the Universe's expansion.

Superconductivity and small-size quantum computer.

 "Scientists have uncovered a link between superconductivity and the fundamental constants of nature, showing that room-temperature sup...