Saturday, August 17, 2019

About Apollo-program, scientists, and science

About Apollo-program, scientists, and science

We have spent the 50th. anniversary of the moonwalk and that thig would bring in the front of our eyes visions what are full of the most impressive images of the rockets, what are 110 meters long, and the landing crafts what are flying over the strange landscape. TV and today the internet are full of images of the impressive moonwalk, and impressive technology behind that thing and the Moon mission was a very good image for NASA and other kinds of organizations.

But when we are thinking about science, scientists, researchers, and developers, what are making science and machines every day, we are facing the thing that their work is not very impressive, if we would look at those people, while they are working. When we are thinking impressive science, we might think would Darwin's theory of evolution be so popular, if that man would make his invention about the advancing of the species in Great Britain in his backyard? The "Beagle" ship made Darwin's journey around the world very interesting, and the findings, what that man did in the Galapagos islands very interesting.

We have forgotten that probably Darwin would get the same results by researching the flowers and bugs like earwigs in his home yard. When we are looking at the impression, what things like Apollo-program made, when Neil Armstrong put his steps on the Moon, we might forget that the thing, what Armstrong made was to bringing some stones and dust to the Earth. 

That thing was very good for laboratories, but we have forgotten that the unmanned probes would do the same thing, and bring similar samples to Earth. And the thing is that those probes would not risk human lives. The risk is the thing, what makes explorations impressive. If we would send the robot to another planet, there is no drama, if the mission fails.

 But when we are thinking about explorations to the jungles, we ever hear those people, who are at least so brave as Neil Armstrong was, except if those explorers would be missing in the jungle. In the jungle, those explorers might be eaten by some snake, but the thing is that they are traveling to their operational area by using DC-3 or some jeep, and that is not very impressive. That's why nobody even sees the lifting off those jungle researchers. But everybody saw the lift-off of the giant Saturn-V rocket in Cape Canaveral.

When we are thinking about people, who are selecting the career as the scientists, we are facing the thing, that those people have very little attention in their private life. If we would observe people like Cosmologists in their work, we would see people, who are writing something on the paper, or who would use some laptop computer and write something. And that thing is not very impressive.

That's why we would not respect those people because they are not using CAD-programs or make some computer software. When people are talking about the influential professions they are always mentioned people like computer programmers, because they are writing some nice codes, what are collecting data from some large areas. 

But has anyone mention persons like conference translators or other language scientists as influential professionals. In almost every publication is mentioned how poor salaries the humanists would get in comparison to engineers. This is the problem with the people like translators, and then we forget to ask, what is the salary of archeologists and egyptologists? Do those persons ever get salaries?

And if they are not getting salaries, how they would live? Then we are facing the fact, that somehow we don't respect people, who are translating other languages, and things like words, what are written by some rock artist. Have we ever ask a single thing about the work of those people? Or have we ever asked things, what people like the translator of the sign language must handle?

I think that we ever spend a single thought about those kinds of people when we are looking at some document of science, or actually, those documents are almost every time made to handle the scientific instruments. The thing is that things like web-cameras and message solutions are vital systems for deaf people when they are wanted to communicate with other people. This kind of things is really interesting to think when we are going out and talk about Neil Armstrong and other interesting people.

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