Sunday, August 18, 2019

Kuiper's belt and its influence on the magnitude of stars.

Kuiper's belt and its influence on the magnitude of stars. 

Magnitude is the term, which means the brightness of the stars. The term "relative magnitude" means that the star, what is closer than some star, what is in a greater distance seems to be brighter than this farther star.

The absolute magnitude means how bright the star is, and the metering that absolute brightness happens by using the spectroscopy and infrared metering to determine the surface temperature of the star. And here we must remember, that the just-born white dwarf can be very hot, but it is not necessary very bright.

Also, some stars are sending the most of their radiation by using the frequencies, what we could not see in the naked eye. There are also stars what are sending the most of the radiation in the infrared area, and the black holes and some neutron and quark stars are sending gamma and X-ray bursts to space. 

And the neutron star would send also high power radio impulses. But when we are thinking about the stars, what is visible in the naked eye, we must remember that there is one thing, what is common with every star. The Kuiper belt of the Sun is not a unique structure in the universe. Most of the stars are surrounded by nebulas, what are forming the molecules. And those clouds or nebulas are decreasing the brightness or level of the visible radiation of the center star.

Of course, most of the people know that stars real brightness is different than we see it because of the atmosphere. The way how the atmosphere influences the brightness is a quite complicated thing because some stars are sending their radiation by using the frequencies, what is filtered or absorbed by the atmosphere, and that's why we can meter the real brightness from the Earth orbiter. Or this is what we believe.

But there are also many more things what influences the brightness of the stars. Many stars are brighter, what they seem from Earth because they are inside the Kuiper's belt or ball, of the interplanetary molecular nebula. And if we are thinking carefully, those Kuiper belts or bubbles might be different in every star. That means that some of those belts are larger and thinner than others. And the thing, what influences those balls is that the star can travel through nebula and capture it to orbiting the star.

Interplanetary nebulas and cloud layer along with great water areas can also decrease the temperature of the planets. That means that liquid water can exist also in planets, which is quite near to the center star.

This is the reason why also old stars might have large nebulas around them. The surface area of those nebulas is much bigger than the planetary systems, and this is the reason, why telescopes are seeing the dust but not planets, and that is one thing what makes those interplanetary clouds of dust problematic. The thing is that those nebulas are necessary for forming stone planets like Earth.

And that thing is a very interesting detail in the planetary hunting because otherwise looking for the Earth-size planets is like looking the nail in the cosmic haystack. The scientists need something, what could make those Earth-sized planets possible, that they can start to search those planets with the most powerful telescopes on the Earth.

If that telescope would turn a little bit wrong direction, it might not notice even the large objects like brown dwarfs. But if some star is surrounded with nebula, what has silicon and iron, that would help scientists choose the most promising stars for those extremely large telescopes, which are also needed for other kinds of deep space observations like quasar research. 

Also, objects like surfaces of the moons and planets of our solar systems might be wanted to look at those powerful telescopes, what are excellent tools for searching the details of the canyons of Europa moon of the Jupiter. The interplanetary nebula can also dim the star if it is between the planet and the star, and in those cases, the planet what has the liquid ocean on its surface can orbit closer the center star than if it would not have interplanetary nebula between it and the center star.

The giant water planets what are covered by the oceans might be cooler than rocky planets, which has less water. The Earth itself would not orbit the Sun in the most favorable zone around the Sun. The oceans would decrease the temperature of the planet, and form the clouds what could cover the surface from the Ultraviolet radiation.

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